Happy September Harvest

It's been a very long two weeks for me here, including one week vacation in Vermont at the end of August, which was fabulously relaxing in a really beautiful mountain settings. While I was away most of the harvesting was done by my sister but most of it was also not measured so no pictures of those harvests. She did help me dug up a bed of potatoes from the large garden, so one of these days I'll try to weight it together with remaining onions but it won't be for a while longer. When we came back I did pick few items for eating with pictures below.
For now I'm taking few weeks off gardening to take care of some health issues so won't be posting any updates for a bit. Maybe closer to October if my fall garden decides to grow this time and bunnies will leave anything growing - there are leftover peppers that still producing, seeded new carrot bed, turnips and greens. And of course there will be late-fall planting of garlic and brassicas for spring. Happy gardening in the meanwhile!


  1. Jenny - hope you are okay. Have a speedy recovery. Your harvest always look so good.

  2. Great looking harvest this week!! I hope you get feeling better!!

  3. Good harvest as always! Best wishes and will look forward to your posting again later on!

  4. Wonderful - just look at those weights! Hope that you are up and around quickly.

  5. Have a fast recovery! A vacation in Vermont sounds so wonderful and you still got lots of yummy produce! Nancy

    1. Vermont was really nice, and so many gardens in that area it was really great to see it all.

  6. It's great you had someone to pick things for you while you were gone! I hope you have a speedy recovery. Your vegetables look yummy. My welded wire fences seem to keep the bunnies out. Last year I had a couple of beds without them and suddenly bunnies ate all my little bean plants.

    1. Thank you, it was really nice to have help. we put small chicken wire around normal fence but somehow they still get in. it's a first year we're having such bunny issues :(

  7. I am told that the things that grow up here (8500FT) are cabbage and potatoes. Everything else is magick. This year was infrastructure. Next season its potatoes and cabbage!

    Lovely spuds btw. :)

    1. I have a friend who lives in that area and he has lovely apple and peach orchard, grows great carrots, squashes and really nice tomatoes. Good luck with your harvest next year!

  8. Are you selling crops consumed all or part of itself, seems so tempting to eat

    1. No, we don't sell our veggies. We grow them for our own consumption and share with friends when we have too much.

  9. Beautiful harvest this week. There was a bunny explosion around here this spring, but the harrier hawks moved back and took care of them. Take it easy for a few weeks and get better. We'll see you in October.
