First at the community I've picked few beans, couple of hot peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, few onions, one large tomato and a handful of yellow pear cherry tomatoes; and nice size cabbage - two other much larger ones walked away to be someone else's dinners (which is fine, as I told people they can take what they want). One zucchini broke when i tossed it toward the bag so I'll eat it, but the rest of the veggies went to the community kitchen.
At the home front, I got few baby beets and carrots - neither one is really sizing up well; few cherry tomatoes and regular tomatoes, and potatoes. I started peeling few to cook up before I realized that they weren't weighted in, so you have one "prepped" and the other "left over" picture.
I didn't put fresh manure on the beds this year and I'm paying the price - everything is very small and not growing as well as it should be, so lesson learned and in fall I'm getting a truckload of manure for all beds.
Not in pictures are two bags of beans that I picked at CSA farm last night - I'm not keeping any of it, as it's going to the NYC on Saturday with CSA owner. It's my best playground where I can feel the silky black dirt in my fingers for few hours each week and I get to pick great stuff :)