
Potatoes, carrots and scallions

Quick pickings today in the garden - only because storm went through the area and leveled pretty much everything. I re-staked the tomatoes but potatoes will have to be pulled sooner because they're all flat on the ground now. So I picked some reds and one bush or white potatoes and scallions.
 And of course had to snitch few carrots out of the bed - Nantes and Purple Dragon. Some are good but some are a bit on a small size. It doesn't help that I'm not letting them grow properly :)
 Carrots were used right away in today's meal - shrimp with peas and carrots on a bed of kale.
And then weight was recorded, coming to 9.5 oz of onions and 3.5lb of potatoes
 These will be used in tomorrow's potato salad - will try Granny's recipe that she used on the weekend


  1. That shrimp looks delicious!

    Too bad about the flattened garden. We were supposed to get strong wind gusts and possible hail, but just got a good rain and the garden is loving it. Now we need some more warm, sunny days!

    1. it's going to be in 80s for a week but the storm did alot of damage so will take a while for everything to bounce back

  2. Sorry to hear about your storm damage! It was a strange storm down here. I left work and it was sunny and pouring, then as I drove south it got very dark and windy and by the time I was home it was sunny and everything was dry.

    Your potatoes look nice...maybe I should dig around in the dirt and see if I have any.

    1. If your potatoes had blooms the they should have small potatoes already. Storm here was pretty bad. Knocked out few trees in the area, power outage and hail made a mush out of my tomatoes and peppers.

  3. Sorry you suffered storm damage! We did too and my potatoes were flattened as well. This is only my second year with potatoes so I don't know what that will do to them.

    1. Potatoes will be ok because they should have started forming bulbs inside. You can pick them as 'young' potatoes or keep them for few weeks longer to get fully grown.

  4. Those are great looking red potatoes, and your garden is really producing! I am going to try and grow red potatoes for the fall. I have never grown potatoes before and I can't wait to try.

    1. Thank you, it really is picking up so makes me very happy.

  5. Looks great! I've harvested about half my yukon golds and havn't harvested any of the reds yet.

    1. I haven't touched my yukons yet and have only about 4 bushes of red left. I do have alot of regular whites both inside and outside one the back - probably should try them to see how they're growing.

  6. Sorry to hear about your damage. Those bad storms went around us. We had some wind and a little rain for about 10 minutes. We could use some rain.

    Everything looks wonderful! Your shrimp dinner looks very very yummy!!

    1. Thank you, that was my hubby's plate. I skiped schrimp and stayed on greens :)

      storm was bad but the garden will recover. This heat is doing alot more damage than the storm and yet it helps other things to grow better. can't have it all :)

  7. Jenny~
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your comment came through twice. I published it, replied back, and deleted the second one. Somehow it deleted both along with my reply. Sorry about that. I have a lot to learn, yet. Now I'll go look around your blog. :)

    1. No worries, i've deleted some of the comments on accident as well :) and welcome to the blog!

  8. Why wait? I like my carrots the best at that size anyway! ;-)
