
Sea of Peas

Someone asked me why I'm posting the same pictures of peas. Well surprise - they are NOT the same. They are being picked every 2 days and I'm on peas overaload. Just to give you idea here is my peas plantation. When you come throught the arbor and look to your left side this is what you will see - a wall of peas - the last one that was planted and it's dripping in ripening pea pods - using my fencing that surrounds the garden as a trellis for support.
just follow the wall around the corner to more peas - these were planted earlier and also ripe and full.
Skipping the section of squashes and beans on that side going to the back corner of the garden - more peas. These are mostly in shade so they're trying their best to reach toward the sunny area.
 Then you have a section of asparagus and off to the other corner - more peas also in shaded area.
 Skip one interval with beans and strawberries you arive at yet another section of the garden that ends with a corner covered with yet more sugar snap peas.
 and finally we're back at the entrance on the right with more peas - this time they are shelling.
And if you pick all that perimiter like I did today without snacking like I normally do this is what you'll have in your basket (or in my case on the table) - alot of peas that are ready for eating or stirfry.
 And put into a bag this bundle came up to 3 lbs and 9.6 oz.
So yes, alot of peas planted and picked all the time and I will make sure to plant alot again come fall time because we love fresh peas and I will save some of them for winter meals as well.


  1. It looks like you are in pea heaven! I'm going to plant some peas in the fall too. When are you planning to sow them?

    I'm surprised that someone would think you're posting the same pics.

    1. I usually plant them after the heatwave is over - at the end of august or early september. And I was surprised by that message too.

  2. Wow and I thought I had tons of peas! I love how filled out your garden is looking :) I'm also curious when you plant your fall peas.

    1. I also have 2feet by 4 feet two sections of shelling peas in the old garden. I'll be planting them at the end of August or early september - as soon as temperature stays at 75 or below

  3. Replies
    1. For me it is pea heaven! And I'll be enjoying them for several meals in winter too :)
