
Weekend harvest

Another round of harvesting this weekend. Left to right - shelling peas, red potatoes, berries,  broccoli, carrots, baby squash, beets and sugar snap peas. I intentionally put red potatoes from previous harvest into the picture to show that I am NOT reusing them for pictures! The only reason I pulled more is that new batch of potatoes are going to someone else who is having some struggles financially and can use some help feeding her family.
 Combined peas came to 2 lbs and 10.2 oz, beets at 7.3oz
 Broccoli was at 3.1oz - they are sideshoots, potatoees at 2lbs and 1.2 oz; and berries at 7.5oz.
 There are some baby cucumbers forming on pickler bush and squash is in full bloom so looking forward to that harvest. I didn't count baby squash and carrots in this weight (because I ate them before i weight them).


  1. Oh, how the scales get short changed due to grazing. :D

    1. if you consider everything like peas, berries, carrots etc that gets munched on in the garden by both of us then yes, it's "shortchanged". ;)

  2. Your harvest looks wonderful!!! You are getting much more than I am. At this time we are starting to enjoy the raspberries and still enjoying some lettuce. Nancy

    1. Thank you, I can only wish for your raspeberries because ours will not be producing this year.

  3. I returned my scales (the plate broke off) and I'm waiting on another set to be delivered. All your veggies look so good! You are doing a great job Jenny!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you and I hope your new scales will arive soon!

  4. Beautiful harvest! I am envying your potatoes, they look great!

    1. Thank you, I'm looking forward to more white potatoes and some purples. I'm not a fan of reds.

  5. Your potatoes look amazing! And your beets are so vibrant! I wish I'd done better with succession planting this year...I'm trying to be patient in waiting for the next round of beets ;-) Happy harvesting!!!

    1. Thank you! I've planted more beets - red and white but they're going to take a while. In spring I was planting them every week to make sure they last :) Now that they're harvested I'm planting carrots in their place.

  6. Lovely harvest. You are harvesting broccoli side shoots and I am still waiting for my main head to form, will be a while before I harvest broccoli.
    Very kind and thoughtful of you to reach out and help someone in need.

    1. My broccoli main heads weren't big until giant variety kicked in - these are their offshoots. And I'm not taking credit for helping her because she's doing me a favor - I'm not a fan of red potatoes and planted a bit more than I need for hubby's potato salad.

  7. what a nice bunch of peas and potatoes! How lovely of you to share with your less fortunate friend. What a nice variety of harvest!

    1. Thank you, I love my peas. Potatoes I'm waiting for whites to get them. And I love variety :)

  8. Those potatoes look delicious and bless you for sharing with another in need. Our garden's abundance can go far when we use it to feed more than just our own family.

    1. I think there is always enough to share when it's in full producing force and I usually calculate and plant more that we can use.

  9. This is a wonderful harvest — don't forget, the beet and broccoli greens are also edible!

    1. I use young leafs of beet in salad but once they're mature I don't like strong flavor. I do eat most of the broccoli plant :)

  10. Super harvest! It's always great to share the bounty of your garden with others! You have a great variety of produce. For some reason about the only thing we can get to mature right now is peas! Another week of them and we will be pretty tired of peas!!

    1. Thank you, I love sharing my harvest :) And I don't think I can ever get tired of peas :) too bad this heat wave knocked them all down - very little remains so maybe couple more harvests and that's it.

  11. That's a great variety of veggies! And I'm with you on sharing the bounty. I took some of our squash in to the soup kitchen last week and it seems others had the same idea, because we had lots of squash there.

    1. Dave - I knew I couldn't share all I wanted so that's why i took community garden, where most of the produce will go to food pantry. I am looking forward to trying zucchini once it's big enough - just about to start blooming now. :)

  12. Wonderful variety, the spuds look sensational and very kind of you to offer them to others in need.
