
We have a door!

We have a door!.. to the arbor that is now entry to the new garden. Hubby has been measuring, cutting, gluing and putting it together for past few days and today he got to install it. YAY! No more ugly wire holding the fort down. Can't guarantee that it will hold intruders out but at least it looks pretty :)
And while he's been busy finishing up my garden structure, I was busy in the garden thinning out and picking some of the greens. It's about 3 lbs (2 lbs and 13 oz to be exact)  and as you can see from picture I picked dwarf bok choy, sorrel, red and green lettuce, and two types of arugula.
And at the same time I spotted our 'volunteers' in the old garden - few carrots and dill growing much better than anything I planted this spring. Now I'm wondering if I should leave some seeds out for winter and let them grow on their own timescale, because they're doing much better than newly planted items.
Speaking of leaving things to Mother Nature's calendar - this is one item that I'm sad about. My poor cherry had to bloom at the same time as deep frost so we lost all blooms. Only one lonely cherry made it after that frost. Oh well. I hope next year will be better.
But on the good side looks like some of the blueberries made it through frost and we just might have some fresh berries in July and August. Both of us love nibbling on fresh berries and at some point I would love to make our home made blueberry jam but that's few years from now. At least we'll enjoy our snacking in the garden.
 Another thing that seems to be oblivious to frost, weeds or anything else are my volunteer potatoes. Last year I had this are planted with purple potatoes which did not do too well, and apparently I left some behind so they're growing and doing much better than my real potato patch. We'll just have to see the harvest come August.
And guess who woke up? My first runner beans that I planted along the edge of the old garden decided to wake up even if it's a bit chilly. Apparently they loved all that rain and last 3 days of sunshine. This is Blue Lake variety. It's a first time I've planted this type because I usually go for bush beans instead of runner beans so it will be a new experience to try them. At least my honey can help me harvest once they grow and won't complain about bending to pick things.
I'm still taking it easy this weekend after couple of days of fever from cold, so not doing much of what I really wanted to do - still have to do weeding, work more compost into the new beds, plant fresh carrots etc. It will have to wait. I only planted some squash and melons in the seedling tray and will leave it as is for now. No energy to really do much so for now I'll be one of the veggies :)


  1. Your husband did a great job on that gate, very professional!

    1. thank you, the right side was not attached properly when I took picture so it looked a bit off but he alread fixed it :)

  2. That's a nice looking gate. Do you plan to paint it?

    1. we will put protective coating to seal from elements, but it will be clear so no change in color.

  3. Jenny I hope you are feeling better. It stinks to be ill this time of year and have no energy. I will be finishing my antibiotics this week.

    Don't you love surprises? That's what volunteers are for me!

    The door looks great, hunny did a wonderful job.

    1. Lisa - I love good surprises in the garden! I just found another volunteer last night - yellow pear tomatoes are everywhere! I might keep one but the rest will have to go. One plant is more than prolific for us and there is only so much cherry tomatoes I can handle.

  4. Love the new doors :) It's been a tough one for the poor fruit trees this year :( I hope you get to enjoy that cherry before the birds do :)

    1. Thank you and I hope so too. I'm less worried about birds than the squirels and racoons - the tree is protected by bird netting but squirels can still climb up the branch. Let's hope they'll leave it alone. And better time next year!

  5. That's a fabulous door! Well done, hubby!
