
Around the garden

It's been raining and cold all week and today is a first dry day and supposed to be warming up for the weekend. So of course I had to come down with a cold. Figures just as it gets nicer outside I'm all stuffed up and shivering from fever. Oh well. I did get to work from home today because I was not about to share germs with coworkers in the office, so after I finished everything I went to the garden to catch some of the sunshine. And while I was there I sniped some spinach for dinner - about 5 oz of it. First for the year. It really grew this week because last week there was nothing to pick really. Must have liked all that rain we had.
And planted my tomatoes. They should be ok since all week we're supposed to be in 70's. These are the "runts" that got sick and then rebounded once I placed them in to the closed porch but they're still thin and weedy so I tried to bury most of the stems inside the soil. Speaking of soil, it must be really bad in nutrients because onions that were planted in March are just sitting there - no change. They should be very large by now. I might as well give up on them. I did add some compost to each planted tomato so we'll see how they do. I'll add more compost over the weekend and will add it to whole bed as well.
And can you believe one of my tomatoes is in bloom? If I got it right, this should be Mortgage Lifter. I guess we'll find out eventually once tomatoes start ripening.
And the carrots that I planted with my first seed mat are awake! It took almost a full month for them to wake up for some reason. The ones I scattered a week after I planted these are way ahead of them. At least it looks like I'll have my snacks after all.
Then I spotted these prints - dratted deer have paid me a visit once again. They are now going through the back of the garden to get to the greens.
This used to be a very lush and green thornless blackberry bush. Now it's striped down to nothing and I'm not even sure if it will come back to life after this because we just planted it this spring. Well I guess no blackberries for us this year.
There are many things are doing well and weeds seem to be even better than what I planted but not much else to pick just yet. Need to find patience.


  1. I hope you cold goes away quickly. I started into a cold yesterday and I am hoping that it is actually on the downhill this evening. May yours too scram soon.

    Deer are such a pain and that is why I have fencing literally around each raise bed which is also a pain, but the lesser of two evils.

    1. Thank you and I am also hoping that it will go away fast. I have back to back meetings tomorrow starting at 8 and have no idea how I'm going to concentrate on each topic :(

      As for deer I'm ready to make them into my dinner. Really. They do so much damage! And blackberries supposed to be on the deer proof list but I guess these deers don't know that. Very frustraiting.

  2. Just like a gardener to work even though they are home sick! Could you fence your backyard to prevent the deer, electric fence maybe?

    1. Actually being on a sun was very theraputic. It really warmed up my aching body.

      I was thinking of that but we have many cats roaming around and I'm afraid of accidentally killing them :(

  3. nice-looking spinach! time in the garden is one of the best healing remedies - hope you're feeling better!

    1. Thank you and your spinach looked pretty good too!

  4. The spinach looks yummy! The deer don't give up do they? I hope you get to feeling better.

    1. Thank you Lisa, and yes those deer don't give up :(

  5. Sorry to hear about your blackberries, have you tried hanging soap out? I've heard the smell scares deer away. Apparently it makes them think people are around. That flowering tomato plant must be very encouraging! At least the seed mats have caused your carrots to come to you in stages! And that spinach looks great. Things seem to be going pretty well around there. Happy gardening.

    1. I guess I'd better look at all the positives and forget the deer damage :) it really is very nice to see progress and flowering tomatoe and first spinach was delicious!

  6. Hi Jenny. Have you thought about placing homemade cages made out of chicken wire and poles/pipes over your planting area? This method will deter deer and is not harmful to your cats.

    1. Hi Angela, yes we have cages and netting around most of the trees and shrubs that water repelants. It's those that I thought were on the safe list like blackberry and walnut that remained uncovered. This weekend we got more poles and netting and covered everything.
