
Harvest summary

Another week and another harvest report. Thought this time mine was scattered throughout the week so for details you'd need to go here: Saturday- 2 lbs and 13 oz of greens; Thursday for 5oz of spinach; and Wednesday for 1.5 lbs of greens and 5 oz of radishes. Overall it was not a bad week. I didn't get to pick as much as I wanted this weekend being down with a cold and trying to pluck around cold soil when you're running fever is not a good idea. Maybe next week will be better.


  1. Sounds a good harvest week to me. Our harvests are coming in steadily but not in any huge volumes yet. Hope you are feeling better now.

    1. Thank you and my garden is yet to produce huge volumes of anything. I'm hoping my peas will start blooming in couple of weeks so I can have them as side dish. Other than that I'll have to wait for a bit to get anything substantial.

  2. Hope your doing better. Sounds like more than just a cold if you have a fever. I did see your weeks harvests and they were nice.

  3. I hope you feel better. I hate having a cold when the weather is nice and I should be outside.

    1. Thank you, I hope for much better weekend next time :)

  4. I just discovered your blog by following from daphne's harvest monday, and can't wait to explore!

  5. Jenny, your harvest was till a good one. Over three punds of greens in one week is a grat start to the season!

    1. Ed - I'm not complaining and I'm happy to harvest anything that's ready and looking forward to my future ones as well :)
