
Possible Community Garden

I finally found a community garden that is just opening up not far from us and I signed up for a plot. It's not going to be large - only 12x15 but  it means I should be able to make something out of it. There is a catch of course - they want all gardeners to donate part of their veggies instead of charging a fee. There will be a first meeting on 14th of May where I'll find out exactly how much they want me to donate and all other details. It should still be good to take and if anything I can plant all those extra tomatoes that I have seedlings for, and maybe squashes since they don't allow planting corn (which is what I hoped for) and maybe some more beans. It's also only until October so only warm-loving veggies will go in there. I do hope they have good soil to work with but I guess I'll find out more once I see the plot.


  1. It will be interesting to find out more details. I wonder why they won't let you plant corn?

    1. Aparently they don't want to shade others garden area so no corn or sunflowers. I have to check on their view of tall tomatoes and running beans.

  2. Yay! That's great! I hope it works out for you. The other garden I was considering had in the list of rules, one was that you couldn't grow anything that would shade another gardener's plot. They didn't specify which crops.

    1. The first email I got from them clearly stated no corn or sunflowers so I have to ask alot of questions on may 14t meeting :) i do hope it works out because I have alot more seedlings than I have space :)

  3. Jenny, could you or Robin give me some background of detail on how these community garden plots work? I have been considering trying to get one started in my city. They sound really cool, but we don't have anything like that where I live.

    Are they run by the city/county or by private individuals? Do they normally charge a fee per year? I am really just wanting some general background information about them. Thanks.

    1. This is going to be my first one, but from research that I did I found one private that wanted $250 for small plot for 6 month - I did not sign up for it. The one I found by work is run by city, and you have to live within 5 mile radius to join it and waiting list is mile long. Also charged $100 fee.

      This one that I just found and did join is run by local church, but you don't have to go to that church or be in their congregation at all. They don't charge $$ but they do want part of whatver you grow for food pantry - which I have no problem doing as I love to share what I grow. I'm sure there are small farmers, co-ops and CSA's that also do somethign simmilar in your area so you should check it out.

  4. Yeah, I know there aren't any run by my city, but maybe there I can find one run by a church or private person.
