
Harvest August 10

Very hot week and no rain, everything is struggling to survive in the garden. I really hope it will cool down soon so I can get few things done outside.  But, for now still harvesting. Beans went into overdrive and I've frozen quite a few, but mostly giving them away at this point. You can see single harvest vs couple of them combined. I'm beaned-out.
On another hand, tomatoes are really starting to come in, which makes me happy camper. I love them. And I made first batch of sauce for past and chicken for my hubby last night so he's happy. Some of the smaller ones will be used for salsa together with the chilli peppers - that will be very good to put on top of stuffed squash.
And speaking of squash, we have enough to eat daily, but at the farm squash is overwhelming so it's all going straight to the Harvest House kitchens to feed others. Not even taking anything out of the car. I've added some kohlrabi and fennel to go with it - the ladies that are making meals will be happy with these veggies as it gives a bit of a variety.
And lastly my sad looking grapes - I should have picked them when they were under ripe. In one week almost all my good grapes were cleaned out. Not sure who/what the culprit was, but all the varieties that I wanted to eat were stripped. I got leftovers.
Oh well, we will have the "bad" grapes that I use for jelly. Those will come in much later. '

So what are you harvesting this week? Share your link on Daphne's page so we can all see.


  1. A very nice harvest this week Jenny!! I'm looking forward to any grapes, even bad ones! We will still have a year or two before we get a harvest.

    1. My Catabwa (bad) grapes took about 3 yrs to produce, and now at 5 they are overloaded. I had to trim some out actually. Too bad it really doesn't taste good to eat raw. But it makes a good jelly. Hope yours will start soon.

  2. What an interesting photo of all that produce filling the back of your car.

  3. Beautiful harvest. So nice that you share it with others!

    1. Thank you, I'd rather save all and give away instead of rotting on the field. I see so much produce wasted by local farmers :(

  4. Boy, I wish I was beaned out - we are getting a good harvest of yellow Romano, but my green beans are a bust this year. Just pulled all my Contender plants out this morning as they looked like they had blight...a first in the bean bed.

    That's too bad about the grapes - at least you were able to enjoy the leftovers; sometimes the pests leave nothing edible behind.

    1. Sorry to hear about your green bean fiasco. This year wasn't very good for green variety. Hope next year will be better.

  5. Nice that you have all the fresh ingredients for salsa. And it's really great that you share your bounty with the needy. I bet everyone gets excited when your car pulls up.

    1. I'm not a fan of hot peppers but occasionally salsa is not a bad thing. normally I like to grow peppers for their look but give them away.

  6. Nice bean harvest, but you can only freeze and eat so much yourself. I got a good amount before a bean virus and now rust has ended the fun. Looks like a good haul for Harvest Kitchens, I'm sure they were happy to get it.

    1. It's interesting that you also have rust - mine at the farm caught it. Never had that before.

  7. Very nice harvest! I wish I had too much of my veggies. I've had enough beans to trickle in and feed my husband and me at supper once a week, but that's about it. I was really hoping for enough to freeze, but that hasn't happened this season. That is A LOT of squash. I bet that your donations are truly appreciated.

    1. When we had first smaller garden, it was enough to eat but not much to save for winter. So I had my hubby build another on the front lawn to add. Plus with the farm now I definitely have more than enough and plenty to give away. They really do appreciate it.

  8. Lovely harvests and so many squash. Good for you for giving them away to folks that will enjoy them. I am with you on the heat. I simply cannot work outside when the temps and humidity are high. We need some rain too.

    1. Well we got "deluge" of rain this morning, though I wish it was nice slow and steady instead. It did help with some of the heat but I'm looking forward to September cool-down.

  9. Lovely harvests. Our heat finally broke but we haven't had much rain in the last month and a half. It looks like today might remedy that problem which is good as I water and then it gets dry so fast afterwards. We need a really good soaking.

    1. Looks like our storm is heading your way so you'll get much needed rain. Hope it helps keep your garden from drying out.
