
First slicing tomato!

It may sound silly to most people, but I get an adrenaline rush from picking first large slicing tomato. It's part of the waiting since winter and watching them grow. Especially when it happens to be one of the "purple" or "black" varieties like this time - Black Krim. 

The taste is far more superior than anything you can get in a store, and I love the complex flavors. Besides, it makes for a pretty darn good snack for my afternoon :)

So, what makes you excited when you know it's almost time to harvest..


  1. Congrats on the first slicer! I've had a few cherry and a couple of salad tomatoes, but the slicers are still a week or two off, I think.

    1. Thank you, I've had few cherries and smaller ones as well, but I've been waiting for the "big boys" :) Hope yours will come in soon.

  2. Congrats. I remember waiting for that first tomato every year.

    1. Thank you, and it's too bad you can't enjoy them anymore :(
