More pickings from community garden as well - cucumbers overload, zucchini and tomatoes.
This week I have to be on the road so most of the harvest will be picked by others at the plots - better than going to waste by overgrowing.
Simple garden techniques described in details so anyone can easily follow through on their end while sharing ideas and pictures on how the garden is progressing through out the year.
End of July Harvest
This week was finally cool enough to do some work in the garden and keep picking. Not much, but plenty to eat for us, including one of my larger onions - coming at 11.8oz. Loved how it felt in my hand. Also picked were zucchini, soybeans, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers.
First large tomato
So far we had several medium-sized tomatoes picked and today was our first large size yellow tomato. And that bush is loaded with fruit so can't wait to see more of these beauties!
Now I'd love to see which other varieties will over run this beauty in size! There is old reliable Brandywine, bull's heart and giant Belgium that can give it a try.
Now I'd love to see which other varieties will over run this beauty in size! There is old reliable Brandywine, bull's heart and giant Belgium that can give it a try.
Community harvest July 25
Community garden still going strong, despite the having the same critter problem like my main garden - groundhog and bunnies are having a blast munching on veggies. Still, the zucchini, cucumber, pepper and tomatoes are doing pretty well. And now Okra really picked up too.
Tomato season is finally here
There are days when I don't want to even think of the garden - especially after seeing damage from animals, dead plants from too much water in spring or too much heat in summer. When it's 98 degrees and 99% humidity and you can't be outside for more than few minutes without help of ice pack on top of your head. But then true summer harvest times starts and one day's worth of picking makes you forget all negative. I love when tomato season really kicks in. Makes it all worth while. Pink, red, orange, yellow, green, striped, purple, small and large - they all have unique flavor and taste oh so good!
Many plants have BER as usual, few have been chewed out by animals but with 60 plants I can't lose - I have enough for yummy meals and for sharing with my co-workers and hopefully will enjoy it for few more weeks until frost.
Many plants have BER as usual, few have been chewed out by animals but with 60 plants I can't lose - I have enough for yummy meals and for sharing with my co-workers and hopefully will enjoy it for few more weeks until frost.
Harvest July 21st
Another week another set of harvests. This is cumulative set during the week, still heavy on zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes picking up more and more, especially cherry type but the large ones are also coming in. Picked few onions for meals and couple of small banana peppers.
Potatoes this year are also a bust - all these are from 8x4 bed. I was expecting 5 times this much and instead I got only a small basketful. There is still a bed of white potatoes and a side of the garden with Yukon's, but at this point I don't have whole lot of hope for either.
Another community harvest
This week community garden is having zucchini overload but I've also seen tons of eggs and squash bugs all over the plants, so they won't last much longer. Cucumbers picked up in production and tomatoes are really starting to come in as well - at least cherry types are but they rarely make it out of the garden - they're being used as snacks for most folks :) Some hot and sweet bananas ramping up production also. Only a handful of beans were picked though - it's definitely not a year for beans.
Harvest July 14
Another week of harvests, though very hard to be outside in this ridiculous heat and almost no work is being done other than watering and picking. Out of the tremendous amount of beans I've planted only few survived the bunny-buffet day - just enough to eat but no where near the need for winter. On the good side we're on the cucumber overload and tomatoes starting to come in more steadily. I did pick one huge cabbage that survived animal attacks and it will be used in slaw - it was over 3 lbs! in the meanwhile there is plenty of variety of veggies to keep dinner interesting.
Join others for Harvest Monday over at Daphne's Dandelions and see how other gardens are doing :)