
Tomato season is finally here

There are days when I don't want to even think of the garden - especially after seeing damage from animals, dead plants from too much water in spring or too much heat in summer. When it's 98 degrees and 99% humidity and you can't be outside for more than few minutes without help of ice pack on top of your head. But then true summer harvest times starts and one day's worth of picking makes you forget all negative. I love when tomato season really kicks in. Makes it all worth while. Pink, red, orange, yellow, green, striped, purple, small and large - they all have unique flavor and taste oh so good!
Many plants have BER as usual, few have been chewed out by animals but with 60 plants I can't lose - I have enough for yummy meals and for sharing with my co-workers and hopefully will enjoy it for few more weeks until frost.


  1. Look at you with all your tomatoes. Wow! Enjoy them!

    1. Thank you, I love that they all taste so different!

  2. Tomato season here too, I love this time of the year! Stay cool, keep picking those tomatoes!

    1. I hope you're having very bountiful tomato season also! Finally some cooler weather is here today so can get out and weed!
