
Rain rain go away!

I'm really starting to hope that this will be last rainy week and then we'll be back to warm and sunny days. Because I'm ready to get a canoe for my back yard. And look at this week - rain is set for every day. And on top of that we're dipping into 40s at night. in June???
Who did the rewind back to April? We should be in steady 75-80 right now. Mother Nature is really in a tiff this year. Let's hope that all this waterfall will be beneficial for greens and that it will really pick up afterwards.


  1. Pouring rain here, high 64° low 45°. Should be high in the 80s and low in the 50s. Lettuce is growing like crazy!

    1. Looks like we're in the same boat. Too bad I already pulled most of my lettuce.. now I think I should have planted more.

    2. Too bad you aren't my neighbor. I have three beds (a main bed and two smaller ones) plus two containers planted, and today I bought three more planters to try growing some more on the patio! My refrigerator crisper is full. Three one-gallon bags stuffed with lettuce and one with spinach!

    3. Very nice! I will put some seeds into the ground today and hope they'll grow but Murphy law - it will get hot as soon as lettuce starts to grow.

  2. It definitely feels like April! This rain is getting ridiculous! I had to pull a lot of my lettuce too. It bolted from all of the hot weather. There is some smaller lettuce out there. I sure hope it starts growing. Hopefully this weather will be good for the broccoli and cauliflower. My Baby Choi bolted too!

    1. Most of my greens bolted last week after it got into 90's so I pulled them. Only small strip of spinach is left in shaded area. I do hope my broccoli enjoys cooler weather.

  3. We don't have all the rain in the forecast here but we do have the cool temps which are wonderful. I'll take them over the hot and muggy anyday.

    1. I don't like hot and muggy but it need at least 80 for all squashes, peppers and melons to grow properly.

  4. Send that rain our way! Since getting around 12 inches in March, we have not seen a drop since. I could definitely use a non-90 degree day with rain.

    1. would be happy to send it away. it was raining and very cold this morning and I had to get my jacket out of the closet again (which I hoped not to do until October).

    2. I am with cat, send some of that stuff my way. So dry down here.
