
End of May Harvest

Not quite Monday morning but I decided to do a quick summary of my harvest this week, starting with some pitiful strawberries all being small and misshapen, some garlic scapes, kohlrabi and first harvest of spinach from the strip that was planted on May 1 in the large garden.
 Then I plucked alot more salad out of the old garden to clear out some space around cabbages.
Here we have weights on all 3 above.
Salad came up to 1 lb 1.4 oz
First peas were picked in middle of the week and my hubby ate them, and I had my share just two days after him. I also got to snack on first cauliflower! I really should have waited for it to grow out.
more strawberries were picked but not eaten - they were combined with my first batch and turned into a jam.
it turned out to be 3 half-pint jars of jam. Not too bad on taste after I added some freshly squeezed lemon for freshness and it really brought out the brightness of it.


  1. all of my favorites! everything looks great!

  2. It all looks good to me! I don't know how you got that wonderful spinach with that awful heat we had! My spring spinach all bolted :( The jam looks yummy!!

    1. i planted a fresh strip of it in may about 10 feet long and it's just now really took off in growth. Heat was horrible for it and some did start to bolt but most of the bed is in shade so it was semi-protected. I hope to get couple more harvests out of it before summer really sets in.

  3. Jenny, for all the struggles you have had with critters you are still getting good harvests. Nice job on the jam.

    1. thank you, but considering the amount of strawberry plants i have i should be swimming in them, but instead I have just couple of handfuls. i do hope next year will be better.

  4. Jenny your jam looks so yummmy! I wish my strawberries would come on! I've gotten three so far and maybe a half dozen will be ready in a couple days.

    1. It's a first year for yours so they'll pick up soon :)

  5. Everything looks good, when the rain finally stops you should get an unbelievable growth spurt.

    1. I really hope so. Last week we're in 90s. tonight down to mid-40s. I just want nice and stable summer already so my garden can grow properly.

  6. You are getting a nice sampling of harvest from lots of things! Your strawberry jam looks yummy too! Nancy

  7. If I could I'd trade you some snow peas for some of your strawberries. They look so good.

    1. I'll take snowpeas over these strawberries anytime!

  8. Replies
    1. thank you, but your harvest is far more impressive. love asian cabbage!

  9. Those strawberries look perfectly yummy to me and that jam even better! Wishing it would warm up a bit here so our strawberry plants would lay on the good stuff for us too.

    1. I wish I had your greens! and it's pretty cold here today, barely reached above 60 and dippig into 40s tonight. Good luck with your strawberries too!

  10. Everything looks great- but WOW @ the strawberries and the jam. Looks so yummy!

  11. What a lovely and varied harvest you have! My peppers have begun to bloom but I didn't check which variety was first. Actually they are marking time in their pots until I can get them in the ground; hopefully this weekend.
