
More around the garden shots

Just a bunch more pictures of what's going on in the garden. It's really hard to capture everything at once. Here are some up close shots of the tomatoes blooming in what looks like a large bunch of flowers, and second shot is my "tomato alley" or maybe more like a forest once it really grows out.
Hanging pot of Red Striped tomatoes with baby tomatoes in them - I picked up pots on a whim from local store 3 weeks ago but they got sick at first so now they're on the road to recovery.
Carrots are doing really good now after all this rain - on the side of them are some zucchini and eggplant on the back.
Yellow squash preparing to bloom so hopefully I'll have some good grilling soon.
More pretties - foxglove is finally blooming! And one of my eggplant also has buds on it.
More squash is starting to really pick up - this is Honey Bear squash by the large trellis mixed with running beans; and by small trellis is my cantaloupe starting to grow. Japanese Truffle tomato on the far right side peaking in.
I asked my  honey to pose for me so you can see how my potatoes are doing. Just for reference point - he's 6'2" in height. That's 5 feet tall fencing behind him with snap peas climbing over. It's just too bad I don't have enough soil to hill them or I would have had great harvest. But it's ok, i'll just settle for few baby young potatoes.
New planting of strawberry from this spring has some berries ripening for snacking.
Border of the garden inside with strawberries and running beans by the fence in the picture on the left; and second bed with a mix of peppers, tomatoes, greens and onions on the right.
First cauliflower has formed and pretty decent size too! it's not as large as from store but I'll take it.
More broccoli and cabbages are on the way if the bugs don't finish them off. I really need to pick more of that salad to give them space to grow.
And lastly my "volunteer" tomatoes in the old garden. I have no heart to pull them out.
Beacause I know what was on this spot last year,  this should be offsprings of Yellow Pear.


  1. Everything is looking healthy and lush! That cauliflower is gorgeous. I never have any luck with them, but I'm trying again this year. Next year, just plant your potatoes 9" deep and you don't have to worry about hilling them up. That's how the professional potato growers do it around here.

    1. Granny - thank you and it's my first really good cauliflower too! Usually they're tiny and don't grow well but this year this one looks good. The rest are not so much. I put potatoes on the very bottom of the bed before covering it with soil, but it's only about 6" of soil in there with borders on 8". I run out of soil by the time all beds received equal amount. Maybe next year I'll add enough compost to get it to the top.

  2. wow, everything looks great! love the foxglove.

  3. Hi Jenny, You sure have a lot of nice fencing. Everything looks so good. My husband is 6 ft 2 in also. I want to try broccoli when it gets a little later in the season this year. Nancy

  4. Holy cow that is a lot of tomatoes, what a sea of tomato cages you have going. You are going to have an awesome tomato harvest it looks like. It is all growing well and looks like the plants don't mind the soil you were disappointed in from earlier this year.

    1. Well there are just a bit over 40 tomatoes planted inside the garden so I do hope to have enough for winter sauces and such, but they tend not to produce too many on each plant for some reason. Everything that was planted had added compost and some manure to each plant area (except for onions) so they seem to be ok, and I was feeding them kelp solution after transplant to make them stronger.
