
End of May pretties.

Just few pictures of how the garden looks at the end of May. It's nearly summer time and for past few days with temps in 90's it felt more like mid-July. It's also been raining pretty much every day so while it's good for greens not all plants were happy. But I'm focusing on positive so enjoy the pretties from the garden. Here is the side shot of large garden (ignore pulled weeds).
One of the 7 rose bushes that I planted this spring decided to bloom and it's very lovely color!
Snap Dragons are in full bloom and making me happy. I just wish more survived the transplant.
Love the vibrant color on these flowers - they are very striking eve from distance.
Here's one I on the left that I have no idea what it is. Anyone has any suggestions? White snap-dragon next to it on the right side.
Blueberries! Can't wait for them to ripen but have to make sure birds don't get them.
My "runt" tomatoes that are growing very nicely and very large broccoli plant that yet to form head.

Mix of creeping phlox, nasturtium and bush beans.


  1. I think your garden is looking great! After all your weather woes, I was expecting to see a total wreck.

    I'm terrible at flower names, but when I saw the unidentified flower I immediately thought "moonflower". I've only seen pictures of them, but it sure looks like what I've seen.

    1. It's been dry today so some of the water have gone down, but the beds are a muddy mess. I thought it was moonflower but the leafs are wrong shape for it. And it wasn't seeded by me - it's all over my garden though.

  2. Jenny, Your flowers sure do look pretty! Our roses are blooming so pretty now too. We just have knock outs mostly anymore. I love them. Nancy at Cozy Thyme Cottage

    1. Thank you, my roses are only now starting to bloom.

  3. Your mystery flower is datura commonly known as Jimson weed. It has hallucanegenic properties in large doses.

    1. Oy. thank you for identifying it, and i'd better pull it all out before all local animals get poisoned.

    2. Oh, my, LOL! Leave it to Ed to identify any plant you might have hanging around....he's the best.

  4. I also thought it was moonflower. I wish we could get some of your rain!

    1. Lisa - I wish I could send it to you. Looks like we're only dry until the weekend and then rain returns.
