

Just in case Mother Nature thought she didn't do enough damage this spring, she decided to wallop us with some more nastiness. Like ice-storm and hard freeze to top it off.  That's my cherry tree covered in icicles.  Too early to see how much damage it will do.
And woke up to go to work shivering, my car dashboard showed that it was below 20 degree as I was driving. Brrr.
Looks like my orchard doesn't have a chance of producing this year. With peach and nectarine full in bloom this is a write-off, but I hope that later-blooming trees like persimmon will make it. Not sure if apples will make it this year. And hope blueberries won't get too much damage.


  1. That's the mixed blessing of an early spring - all the trees start to do their thing and all it takes is one rogue freeze to dash any hopes of a harvest. Hopefully you still get some fruit this year.

    1. This year is all screwed up, with temps going to 70s in mid-march and sending everything into growth, and then down to teens and kills all buds :( I still hope for some fruit this year, even if it's from later-blooming varieties like Persimmon and late apples.

  2. I am so sorry. How disappointing. Keeping my fingers crossed our fruit trees don't get ruined after they blossom. Must be so discouraging. Nancy

    1. I hope Mother Nature will compensate by being nicer for the rest of the year with bountiful harvests :) always look for positive :)
