
First Daffodils

Winter is being stubborn and not leaving that easily, but spring is slowly moving along and showing up in more open flowers. First daffodils have opened up already and forsythia is in full bloom.
First colors peaking through from hyacinths even if they are a bit lost in grass, more will bloom soon.
Also first hellebore opened up - Golden Lotus variety, and my pink lemon is starting to bloom.
Slowly but surely everything is waking up.


  1. You are ahead of us - the daffs are only about half way up but keep being thwarted by another blast of winter. Hopefully we'll be seeing some blooms in another couple of weeks.

    1. Most of my daffodils will come in later, this is very early variety that started blooming first. I have them planted in waves so I shoukd have flowers well into june.

  2. Don't you think the first spring flowers are extra pretty because we have been without with all winter! Happy Easter! Nancy

    1. I normally have a lot more pretties for holiday, but this year its very early in the calendar and Spring is not in a hurry. Still makes me smile when I see that. Enjoy your holidays.
