
Happy Holidays and New Year!

It's finally quiet time for us to take a break and actually enjoy relaxing at home by the fireplace, watching light play off the Christmas tree and reflect on the past year. It's been a busy one at that, but a good at the same time. Lots of things got accomplished, and some that had to be postponed for next year. Decorating our tree at first weekend of December is a tradition in our home, where we put ornaments that have been picked on our travels to places in Vermont, Maine, Hawaii, Amsterdam, London, Madrid, Lisbon and Germany, and some showcasing some of the local living surroundings via animals and of course garden decor - can't skip those carrots!
This year it was just a tad of too many things going at the same time and I really hope to take a step back next spring and slow down a bit. It was a bit overwhelming at times and I had hard time keeping up with gardens and the farm, and community garden, and the Master Gardener school - all at the same time. So first resolution - SLOW DOWN! Home gardens will be first priority followed by MG work (after full time work that pays the bills of course), and then will see if I can squeeze time for the farm. I really hope to do some seedlings in the greenhouse in the spring and maybe plant a row of tomatoes and peppers again as these are our main staples for winter sauces. But I won't be taking on as much space as I did this year. For the community garden I'll take a small plot and use it for squashes that the kids from local groups can harvest for the pantry. One step at the time. But for now....
from yours truly, my wonderful hubby and our 3 fur-babies - We wish YOU a very
 Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year Everyone! I really hope to see you all visiting next spring!