
Natural Harvest and Fall Colors

This weekend was a perfect "fall" day with chilly nights and crisp and sunny day, so instead of boring everyone with loads of peppers and winter squash, I thought that I'll share my "harvest" from walking around the lake.
Leaves are changing colors and starting to fall down so when you walk all you hear is rustling under your feet and a bubbling brook on the side.
We were lucky to spot few mushrooms that were edible and I picked them for winter. Maitake or Grifola Frodoza as official name, and Scaber Stalk aka Leccinum aurantiacum are my favorites for fall harvest.
Normally I cut them cleanly just above the ground, but will try to do something different this time around - save the roots and spread them in the back yard and hope they'll grow next year. Would be great if I had home grown instead of hunting in forest.

For now it satisfied my "nature" whimsy, but will have to find time next weekend to venture out once again.


  1. A harvest of nature is the best kind. Good luck propagating your fungi. They are so fussy about which trees they grow under.

    1. These were mostly under oaks and since I have oak at home too, I thought it would be a good idea to try it out. Mother Nature will do the rest.

  2. What a gorgeous view! I have had mushrooms foraged by friends who knew what they were doing - too scared to pick my own as I'm not sure which are safe.

    1. You can find a local Mycological Association that has forays and learn what's in your area. I belong to local NJMA for many years and it's a great resource.

  3. Beautiful fall colours - our leaves are just starting to change colour as well - such a beautiful time of year. How lucky you are to be able to identify edible mushrooms! I've often thought about growing some, but would likely need to purchase the spores, etc., as I am definitely not a mushroom expert.

    1. I tried purchasing spores and growing that way but it didn't work well. Taking a slice of established root system is more likely to give me results.

  4. The fall colors are lovely! Trees haven't turned here yet, but leaves are already falling off. It might not be a pretty autumn this year. Nice mushrooms too. The only ones I ever picked in the wild were morels.

    1. I hope it will be a very pretty autumn even with warmer temperature. It got down to 37 Saturday night so it will help brighten up colors in the next few days.

      Love Morels, but they are so popular with hordes of deer that it's hard to find them in this area.
