
End of September harvest

Fall is definitely in the air and we've now closed off both small and large garden for winter and going to let soil rest and prepare it for spring planting. But at the farm I'm still picking car loads of veggies - tomatoes are slowing down (which is great because I'm done with winter canning), but peppers have picked up and have been picked in massive quantities. Some got chopped and frozen for winter, but most are a give away.  Plenty left to eat of course every day. At which point do you say "I'm overrun with veggies?". I honestly think I'm past that point.
 And I found a creative way of giving presents - fill baskets of veggies and give away :)
And first few winter squash have been picked, even if some got chewed up by groundhog. Looking forward to trying Blue Banana - it's a Guatemalan Blue Squash from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed
One of the critters completely destroyed my best pumpkin so I'm bummed out.  Was looking forward to carving it this year. Oh well, have plenty of other squashes still coming.
How are your gardens doing and what are you harvesting? Stop by Daphne's page to see other gardens and their bounty of the week.

Mid-Sept harvest

The harvest season is in full swing and I'm enjoying it immensely. It just makes me so happy to pile up baskets of veggies and deliver them to people. Between the farm and the home I'm one happy camper. At home we've been picking grapes from one of our older vine - it's now 8 yrs old. That's on top of the bucket we picked couple of weeks back. Two baskets filled.
This is the large bucket of all grapes striped from the vines and ready for jelly - as you can it set it was a very large pile! Very happy with this year harvest, but I'd better learn how to make vine in next couple of years as all 9 grapevines will start producing in these quantities. Some will be eaten of course, but most will be jellied and wine.
From the farm we've been bringing crates of squash, and starting to bring loads of sweet peppers that I'm chopping and putting into the freezer for winter. There is still plenty on the farm green so they're just peaking in harvests.
And of course tomatoes - carloads every 3 days. At this point I just give it all away. My jars are full of pureed tomatoes and some sauce for winter so I'm pretty much set. Let others have the rest.
So what are you harvesting this week? Stop by at Daphne's page to see what others are doing in their gardens.