
Tomato Overload

Yup, it must be the end of the August once again if every counter and floors in my home are covered with tomatoes. At the farm they're in overdrive and I've been picking them every 2-3 days now and many just don't get into the house. I've been giving them away, cooking into sauces and still plenty to eat fresh. Of course, having tomatoes as my favorite veggie I'm loving every moment of the season, because come December I'll be savoring tomato sauces in my meals while dreaming of perfect ripe tomato from the garden. But for now I'm definitely enjoying the season. Some are picture perfect, and some are large but not so perfect, and all very tasty.
Of course it's not just one type of vegetables that make it to the house. We've got gorgeous peppers with plenty still to be ripened, picked a lot of green grapes for more jelly and plenty still ripening for eating.


  1. Wow, what a bountiful harvest, so much!! And such a great mix of colours. Are those white eggplants in the top left pic?

  2. Wow, what quantities and what a huge variety! How big is your plot at the farm?

    1. I have 5 rows about 200 feet each. One row are just tomatoes :)

  3. No wonder you are getting a lot of tomatoes! There's nothing like homemade tomato sauce in the winter.

    1. :) this is just a fraction of what I'm really picking. Most of it vanishes before I ever get home :) My hubby loves home made sauces in winter especially, so I'm making sure that we have at least 2 jars per week stashed away.

  4. What an array of veggies! Wow!

  5. That is a LOT of good eating there! I have to laugh when you said that every surface was covered in tomatoes. I felt like that last year and thought it was all because of my inexperience dealing with them...only now am I finding out that everyone that grows tomatoes goes through that for a few weeks each year. No huge bounty for me this year, unfortunately, but I'll still have enough to can - which is amazing as I REALLY don't want to have to go back to purchased, canned tomatoes. We are spoiled, aren't we?

    1. Being spoiled by good quality is a good thing. Wish more people realized how simple it is to grow your own even for short time to enjoy it. And you're right about every one on going through overload at one point or another. :)

  6. That first picture really shows the variety in shapes and colors of tomatoes. Curious, what are the light pink tomatoes? And a thousand feet of row. All perfectly weed free, right?

    1. I wish! Weeds are everywhere and it's hard to keep them out, so I pluck them around the plants to make sure they grow well, then we use tractor to run between rows and that helps.

    2. p.s. the pink tomatoes are Anna Russian and Pink Brandywine

  7. What a great harvest! Thanks for your idea too, of drying some peppers. They are so very pretty, even if they are too hot for my taste buds! Happy tomato sauce making!

  8. Wow that is a huge harvest. You must really be canning up a storm to preserve it all.

    1. Thank you, canning, drying, freezing and fermenting. It's a busy time :)

  9. Hi! Wow! Lot of tomatoes and many more wonderful things to preserve. You must be one busy lady! Nancy

  10. I love big tomato harvests like this! We picked 47 (!!) pounds of tomatoes last weekend and spent all day Sunday making stewed tomatoes and tomato sauces to last Winter! Enjoy your tomatoes!

  11. Looking delicious. What a fantastic harvest!

  12. This is such a fun time of year to be a gardener! I'm harvesting tomatoes by the bushel and planning next year's plot.
