
Harvest Aug 16

Another week flew by.. and not much has been done other than gather veggies. It's been well over 90 all week long and I can't function that way. So go out very early in the morning to the farm and back before it gets too hot.  So far it's the same loop - squash, beans, tomatoes.  I've let others pick remaining kohlrabi and fennel and don't bother bringing most of the squash home. I did have a nice roasted Delicata for dinner during the week - very nice and sweet.
This weekend I flew out to LA for one day and brought my sister few of my black tomatoes. At least she'll get to enjoy them for few days.
Beans went out to my friend who was visiting for a week her family and we got to spend one evening at dinner. At least something that others can enjoy.
So what are you harvesting this week? Stop by at Daphne's page to see how are others doing.


  1. Beautiful harvest Jenny, glad you have enough to share with family and friends.

  2. I've never tasted a delicate squash - I'll probably try to grow them at some point, even with the threat of the SVB. And I know what you mean about the heat - we are going into high heat mode for the rest of the week with the humidex in the 90's most days, which is quite unusual for mid-late August.

    1. Delicata is a sweet squash, very similar in taste to Butternut but much smaller so I prefer it as it doesn't go to waste.

  3. Nice harvests, Jenny. I agree that it is good to share.

  4. Roasted delicata squash is wonderful, I love that the skin is so tender you don't have to peel it. It looks like your garden is doing amazingly well. So many summer squash and tomatoes.

    1. Thank you, it's been a very good year. and yes, roasted delicata with almost carmelized taste is amazing.

  5. Lovely harvests. I've had delicata years ago. It is so tasty.

  6. You are still bringing in boatloads of great stuff, Jennie. The tomatoes are beautiful, as is that Delicata. I'm sure your sister appreciated those tomatoes, but maybe you should have taken a second suitcase and filled it with squash. I'm sure she would have liked that ;).

    1. She's not a fan of squash, but last time she was here she took a bag of beans :)

  7. Hmm I swear I left a comment. I wonder if blogger is eating them again. But love the squash. Delicatas are so delicious.

    1. Hmm. I see both comments. Not sure what happened but thanks for coming back to check :)

  8. Hi! So nice that your can share with others. I had never seen a stripe squash like that one! Hope it is not so hot for you soon. I can't take the heat either. Soon we will be shivering though! Nancy
