
End of July update

Another two weeks flew by fast. Many changes in the garden, some good and some not so good. Groundhog found his way into the large garden so it's a total write-off.  Nothing is salvageable other than pulled garlic. Until my hubby figures out how to keep that furball out I'm not going to plant there. Even the peppers are not safe.  But the small garden is producing, and the farm starting to pick up as well. It's all good. Overload on beans - most of these have been given away at this point as I have enough frozen for winter now.  Picked few young potatoes - Yukon Gold and Red Pontiac and even few fingerlings for salad. Picked and sorted out garlic (the one picutred is the seed for fall). Onions got lost in weeds and didn't get to grow well, most of them vanished completely. Still have enough to use for few weeks but will get a bag from local grower for winter.
Some remaining black raspberries as well as blueberries and wineberries -loving the berry season this year. My hubby LOVES blueberries so he's very happy with this year harvest. I have to add few more bushes next year.  Some dill and fennel from the farm,
And all this beautiful squash was grown by Monique and Dan - they let me plant at their farm in one of the fields. This year they had a lot of squash so I took some and will give it away.
.So how is your garden growing and what are you harvesting? Visit Daphne's page to see what others are doing.

Mid-July Harvest

It's been another long, hot and wet week. Humidity has been sitting at 90+% which makes working outside unbearable. And every other day we get a severe thunderstorm.  But garden keeps producing and I've been picking beans for winter, few berries for snacking and even got few first cherry tomatoes.
Black raspberries are at the end of their season, but the wineberries are just starting to come in so I'm enjoying them just as well. I did manage to get couple of jars of jam out of berries for winter so that makes me happy.
Yellow raspberries once again got destroyed by deer so not much of the harvest. But I did transplant some of the remaining canes into the small garden and will turn 3 of those beds into berry patches. One will be yellow, one early red raspberry and one everbearing. This way my hubby will enjoy them whenever he wants. It makes more sense to plant berries given how expensive they are in the market vs readily available stuff like onions. And I can plant greens around them in spring. One of the beds will share space with asparagus and strawberries. Hope it will work out.

Come to see how others are doing at Daphne's page and share your links with harvests.

First week of July harvest

Sometimes you have good garden years and some are horid. This is one of the bad ones and I can only put blame on myself. Last fall I thought it would be a good idea to get all bed loaded with manure to make it more productive, but I did not consider the acidity level that it would also create. And this year I'm paying the price. My soil is so acidic that nothing in the big garden wants to grow. At all. Only few weeds that seem to enjoy any kind of soil. And garlic.  At least it's doing ok and starting to size up nicely so I'll have enough for winter and some to cook while still green.
Oh well, chuck it up to learning for later.  Once garlic is all picked, I will amend soil with woodash to remove some of the acidity.
Thankfully I still have small garden that is productive. Rain or not (we got over 7 inches of rain in June) I get to pick things here and there. Like red currants, peas, black raspberry that's just starting to come in while strawberries are almost done. Last of the peas were picked last week.  And beans have just starting to come in. I'm glad I only planted some of them as they are very prolific.
Next week I'll be harvesting beans at the farm and that will be interesting to see how they'll produce.

Stop by Daphne's page to see how everyone else is doing on their harvests this time around.