
Harvest October 6 and Apple Pie

It's been a quiet few weeks in the garden, with the lack of rain most of the veggies died off. I finally was able to clean up my carrot bed and found few remaining - they will be used for dinner meal tonight.  The scraggy pepper and few remaining cherry tomatoes were eaten as a snack :)

In the community I picked few tiny melons and several small butternuts squashes - they're curing now so will post picture of them later.
But since it is a officially a fall season, I'm starting my bake and prep for winter by drying apples, making apple butter and sauce and of course spoiling my hubby and his coworkers with my pie. They are happy and that makes me happy. it's all good.
Visit Daphne's page to see how others doing with their harvests this week.


  1. What a pretty pie. I can almost smell it from here.

    1. Think of combination of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger with brown sugar :)

  2. Purple carrots are nice and that is a beautiful apple pie. Reminds me it is definitely Fall and apple season. We had the leaf peepers out full force on Sunday and the locals couldn't get around town, but the orchards were happy to take their money.

    1. We have the same problem with influx of NYC people in local orchards, but there are few places that not so advertised that we can sneak into :)

  3. I love dried apples. We need to get some from our favorite orchard soon.

    1. I love dried apples as a snack and they store so well!

  4. My fall carrots were a complete disaster - must have been so nice to dig up those few carrots. That is one gorgeous pie! Our Thanksgiving is next weekend & I'm thinking an apple pie will be on the menu.

  5. That is a nice bonus carrot harvest. PIe makes me happy too. Eating and baking :)
