
Harvest Aug 10

A little bit more variety this week - greens, beans, few carrots for snack, beets, tomatoes and peppers at home garden. Not a lot, but enough for us to enjoy our meals. 

In the community garden, hot peppers, large and cherry tomatoes, cucumbers & zucchini are still producing. Many of my tomato plants started to die off because it's been about 10 days without rain, and even when I water myself it's not enough. But it was a good run so I'm not complaining.
Visit Daphne's page (link on the right side) to see what others are harvesting this week.


  1. Nice, varied harvest. You have some beautiful tomatoes there. My tomatoes are also about done from disease, but it is August so there wasn't much time left anyway.

    1. Thank you, I love different varieties of tomatoes. Next year I will have to plant some sauce-type but this year I'm enjoying just for eating.

  2. Gorgeous harvests, Jenny! All those tomato (and pepper) colours are fabulous. I just realized this past weekend that I had only planted yellow cherry tomatoes - no other colours...can't believe it took me this long to realize this ;)

    1. I think next year I'll stick to Sungolds and Black Cherry for small but will keep large more varied.

  3. You have a lovely variety there, even if it's not as much as you hope for. I do believe that while watering keeps things alive, it is nothing like a good rain. Our garden struggled throughout a dry July, but has perked up once we got an inch of rain here in August.

    1. We have a soaker system but I find that it doesn't really work well as it's very narrow bend only where the hose falls, so need to do something new for next year. Desperately need rain, best if it's every 2 days.

  4. Nice nice harvests. Your poor scale really gets a workout!

    1. My scale helps me determine how much per planting I'm getting and if I should plant more/less next year for my own records.

  5. Sorry to hear about the tomatoes. Wonderful diverse harvests!

    1. Thank you, there is always a next year for more tomatoes :)

  6. Lovely harvests. Maybe rain will come in time. I've been watering my own garden pretty regularly. I seem to water just before it decides to rain though.

    1. That's one mistake that I made - thinking that when they said "thunderstorms" that I won't have to water and many of my plants took a hit and died off.

  7. What a colorful harvest! Thunderstorms are hit or miss but we've been lucky to have some rain every few days or so. Twice this happened after I watered the garden though. ~ Rachel @ Grow a Good Life

    1. I wish I could say the same. We finally got some rain last night and this morning, and I hope we'll get more in couple of days. It's hard to grow fall garden with no rain.
