
Harvest and garden June 22

This week harvest has been slightly improving - we picked few garlic bulbs and two onions, a handful of peas - both sugar snap and snow peas. 
Of course our strawberries keep coming in, and finally first few young potatoes! They are small because I didn't plant the in March as usual - they're almost 1.5 month behind schedule, but they are lovely. Two on bottom are "main crop" baking russets; bright yellow is German Butterball; purple is Purple Viking is what I had overwintered so it's white inside with redish undertones on skin - I'm yet to pull actual purple from the ground as the plants are very small - only 1 foot tall. 
And in hydroponic, first cucumbers are forming and tomatoes are blooming. 
In small garden Purple Queen beans are in bloom and so are the yellow was Roc D'or also full in bloom.
Unfortunately we found two bunnies in large garden this weekend so I can pretty much say goodbye to all planted there. Oy.


  1. Ugh - I empathize with you on the bunnies - cute as anything so long as they are far, far away from the garden! Your onions & potatoes look amazing, by the way...

    1. Yes, they are very cute but we lost most crops last year and I hope it won't be as bad this year. We already lost most peas and beans in large garden to the groundhog so they'll just add to damage.

  2. I envy those strawberries. Mine produced a measly amount this year.

    1. Mine in small garden are measly too - tiny and flavorless, so this year I'll be ripping them all out and putting more Cabot variety instead. So far it hasn't disappointed me and produced a lot of runners to replace old ones. Hope you'll get better harvest next year.

  3. So sorry about the bunnies. I hope they don't do too much damage to your garden. The first potatoes are very exciting especially since everything was planted so late this year. Mine are just breaking through the straw. I am taking notes on strawberries too. I want to start a strawberry bed next year and Cabot it on the list.

    1. You're right about the late planting, most of my potatoes are not even close to bloom yet, and purple are only about 1 foot tall. Hope your new strawberry bed will grow well! If you plant roots this fall you'll get berries next spring :)

  4. Lovely harvests.. sorry about the bunnies - it seems the better we eat, the better the animals eat. :-(

    1. They definitely eat very well at my garden - all organic and heirlooms :)

  5. Those strawberries look delicious! Hopefully those bunnies are just passing through. I have no clue if this works, but I comb my dog (a lab that sheds a ton!) and leave clumps of fur around the garden in hopes that critters will stay away. It also helps that he loves to chase bunnies and squirrels.

    1. I wish I had a dog, but won't get one until we retire. Bunnies are here to stay, last year "family" moved in, and this year lots of babies having snacks all over my garden. Larger ones can't get through fence, but babies go right through.

  6. Too bad about the rabbits. They can do so much damage in a short time! Our potatoes are running behind too.

    1. I'm impatient, want potatoes now instead of August

  7. Sorry about the bunnies. You need some kind of fencing. We have fencing but bunnies still find the smallest hole or squeeze under the gate, but it slows them down. Otherwise the garden looks great.

    1. There're is a chickenwire fencing all around and its 6feet tall

  8. Wow! I've never grown anything hydroponically before. I'll be interested to see how well your plants produce. Nice potatoes. I'm regretting not planting any this year.

    1. We've had plenty of greens from hydroponic for past two years, but it's first time we're doing tomatoes and cucumbers and so far they're doing very well. There are two small cucumbers formed and growing so can't wait to try them. And I also regret not planting enough potatoes for winter - we only planted to eat for summer.

  9. Great harvest! I've been thinking of digging around in the potato patch to see if there are any ready yet. I'm envious of all your strawberries.

    1. that's what I did - just felt with fingers around one of each variety to see if i can find them. I won't be actually digging them out for a long time now. And we had much better strawberry season last year, but this is ok so far - enough for us to munch on.
