
June 8 harvest

Small harvest this weekend - few garlic scapes and some scrawnier garlic plants that surprisingly had some nice bulbs on them; greens for the week including salads and arugula and of course berries that were shown in previous post.

We're finally getting a good soak this morning and I hope it will help my berries get larger and everything to really start growing. We're way being the schedule in the garden.


  1. We need a good soak too. I'm really hoping the rain tomorrow doesn't miss us. It looks like tonight's rain will. I can't wait for my garlic to be ready. I should just pick some now, but it is so hard to bring myself to do it before it is officially ripe. I need to get over that.

    1. I specifically planted extra so I could pick early young plants. We had over a dozen left from last year that I have away so I'd rather use it young now when it still taste fresh. Hope yours will turn out well.

  2. Yum - those garlic scapes look so good! Can't wait for some garlicy/oniony flavours to come out of the garden - so far chives are about as close as I can get.

    1. pe you get to plant yours in October for next spring.

  3. Garlic scapes already? You are way ahead of me (I'm in Eastern Ontario, not sure where you are?). Do you have any interesting recipes? All I have ever made is garlic scape pesto ... looking for new ideas as I have about 100 garlic plants.

    1. I'm in corner where NJ, NY and PA meet in the mountains. It's zone 6. So far it's an early variety and my normal harvest of German porcelain doesn't have any yet. I use it in garlic pesto and in stirfry instead garlic cloves. I do freeze it for winter too

  4. I am so happy for the rain that began falling last night. Although the tomatoes and peppers loved the heat, the soil is so dry.

    I examined my garlic yesterday and saw that the scapes were just beginning to emerge (Maine). I am working on a garlic scape post to publish later in the week that will have a bunch of interesting recipes shared by other bloggers.

    1. Completely agree on rain - beds were very dry and even if I do water plants direct, they needed a good soak. I look forward to your post on scapes so I can try something new. :)
