
Groundhog in action

There you have it - the culprit of my garden disaster caught red handed - he came back today yet again to finish up his meal. My hubby saw it and was able to fix the fence where he's been sneaking in. 


  1. Thank goodness you were able to catch this guy & figure out the exact spot where he was getting in....hopefully you can still get a good harvest for the remaining gardening season once the fence is again secure.

    1. We did seal the area where he was going through so hope it won't be a problem going forward. For now I need to re-seed beans and beets to see if I can still grow something. Or wait a month and plant winter crops.

  2. We have groundhogs here which is why I have hardware cloth under my fence going a foot deep. Though the ones here were more discriminating. They would eat the squash when it got to a certain size and eat it all (before I had the fence) but they left the plants themselves alone. They never touched my beans plants. Last year they got into the peaches. And were slowly eating them all a couple each day, so I had to net them very very well to keep them out. They are pretty voracious critters.

    1. I'm sorry about your peaches, they do eat all fruit and all squash here too. Voracious is a very good description for them.

  3. oh no! he is so cute though. and can you blame him? it's an all you can eat buffet in your beautiful garden! but i would be upset if he was in mine. i would have sprayed him with the hose! doesn't hurt but scares them off! my mom doesn't grow veggies anymore because of the critters eating everything. i hope you find a solution!

    1. My hubby patched the fencing to eliminate space between top and bottom so hope it will keep him out, but long term solution is to plant only what they don't eat - potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, garlic and onions. It is very limiting but better than losing it all to criters.

  4. Groundhogs can do so much damage to a garden It is good you have the fence mended!

    1. We mended one side, and he found another yesterday and finished off all beans. More mending this weekend.
