
Beans, peas and other stuff in Small Garden

Here's a quick updates on my beans and peas in the small garden - I planted several patches of different beans and they seem to be better in the small garden vs large, and not as eaten out by bugs. There is a mixture of green and yellow beans, few shelling peas, some runner beans; soybeans for snacking and a handful of snap peas. The ones in container seem to be doing the best, even though it was not really intended for eating - they're improving nitrogen levels for 3 bulbs that are hiding underneath - my super large begonias. 
More bush beans mixed with volunteer potatoes, runner beans in the second picture next to red cabbages and a handful of snap peas that survived and now blooming. Garlic scapes showed up in the early variety of garlic - not impressed with the growth so far. Neither Inchelium Red or Kettle River are very impressive growers this year, but maybe it's just a bad year for them. However my German Porcelain is huge comparing to them so either way I should have enough for winter. 
And some more pretties in the small garden - huge iris plants and pink peonies. 


  1. Beautiful irises & peonies! My beans have not come up yet - I didn't pre-germinate them like I normally do & now I'm getting nervous because it's been on the cool side for the last couple of days...keeping my fingers crossed. What kind of soybeans do you grow? I would love to growing some for edamame.

    1. I never pre-germinate beans, but I do soak peas. I always plant them in afternoon on a warm day so soil is warmed up and soak them well with a hose for 10 min and then leave them to grow. Hope yours will come up strong. For soy I have Soy - Green Butterbean variety this year so we'll see how it works.

  2. I just planted my beans this week. Yesterday I saw that some have sprouted. I'll need to put a screen cage over them to keep the tiny bunny out. So far that critter has stayed in the backyard but it's small enough to fit through the fencing. You still have iris and peonies blooming. Mine are now done.

    1. I'm planing more beans this weekend to keep it growing through summer as well. Good luck with the bunny! Last year tiny bunnies managed to eat me out of the garden. My peonies are just starting out as it's colder here in mountains..
