
Early May around the garden

Few pictures to show how the garden looks mid-May. It's very bare in the beds, but things are slowly starting to grow and bloom. Here's an overhead view from 2nd story window - screen makes it hard to get a clear picture, but you get an idea.
Seedlings are getting hardened off on the patio - some early beans in the pot (hopefully groundhog won't find them), and few seeds of corn that I wanted to grow for my hubby as he likes it fresh. This year I'm trying heirloom blue corn and sweet yellow open pollinated variety. 
The trays of tomatoes and peppers waiting for warmer nights to get in - I had to buy two trays of peppers (with yellow rims) in addition to my own as germination was very poor and aphids ate half of the ones that did decide to grow. Hope next year will be better. Then you can see few pics inside the garden - grapes waking up, strawberry in bloom, bed of brassica plants, peas that need support. 
This one strawberry is the sole survivor of 25 plants that were planted right before winter - Honeoye variety and it's first time it's in bloom. Let's hope it was worth it. Next to it are our blueberry bushes - 4 yrs old and finally decent blooms on them. I didn't want to trim them and hope they will grow well. Garlic in small garden is doing ok but not as well as last year. Not sure what was different. Some additional cabbages, strawberries and greens are planted in between to use up some of the space. Lonely nectarine tree on the background - it's on 3 year so will strip it this year. 
These are my apple trees - the one in the middle unfortunately was severely striped by an animal (most likely deer) and only has few leaves remaining. I hope it will recover. It's a shame as it was covered in blooms - you can see upclose shot of one of them on top of the tree. I was looking forward to trying it - it's a Ginger Gold variety. 
Then here we have mulberry - on its 3rd year and growing quite nicely. And another picture showing my future favorite - persimmon, also on 3rd year and just starting to open leaves. I do hope next year it will start to produce. Then we have rhubarb and a peach tree both doing very well this spring. 
And of course some pretty flowers - lily of the valley is just opening first flowers and our entry to the house covered with them! Lilacs are full in bloom and all peonies that I planted all over the property and in both gardens are full in buds so hope in a week or two they'll open up! I have bright red, pink and white peonies. 
Columbine, red Azeleas and up-close shot of the lilacs - all so pretty. 
White Bleeding Heart is just starting to bloom away and Hostas are unfurling their leaves. I planted few zinnias here and there to keep a splash of color in the garden while it's starting up.
The last two pictures are inside the large garden - a salad "mess" that happened when i was planting it and didn't realize that bag was torn - full bed is infested with salad now And my potatoes starting to wake up and grow - I sprinkled some radishes so they can grow while the potatoes taking off, but they took nearly 3 weeks to wake up themselves. Go figure. So here you have it. Wish I had it all nice and clear of weeds but the weeds grow faster and better than the rest of the garden. :)


  1. You're well on your way there to a big garden this year and lots to harvest. I hear you about the weeds. We were away for the weekend and everything exploded in growth especially the weeds.

    1. I hope you're right, hope it will be a good year

  2. Your gardens should produce very well! The weather here has not been very co-operative. Hopefully you will get to harvest a lot from yours and the weeds won't be too much work! Nancy

    1. Thank you and hope you're right. The weather has been a yo-yo with temps going from 40 to 80 and down to 40 again. Nuts! I do hope it's the last of the rolercoaster because I really need to transplant my seedlings out of the small cups.
