
Closing garden for the year with last of the harvests

It's been a while since I posted any updates. We've had hard frost down to 20 degrees couple of nights so all garden items other than under the covers have been removed. You can see few last tomatoes and peppers from 3 weeks ago, onions and potatoes that were picked earlier but not weighted in - these are the last of our onions. Definitely will need to plant a lot more next year. Turnips are plentiful but too strong so won't be planting this variety again. Winter carrots are hanging in there - we've been picking few here and there for meals. Still have greens - parsley, arugula and salads and some remaining herbs.  And today picked out the rest of the leeks and scallions from small bed by the shed - it was overrun with weeds so leeks came out pretty small. But of course it's more than enough for us for winter.

So now the beds are cleaned, turned, leafs are gathered and mulched and layered on top of beds - in couple of weeks we'll turn it up all again and let it compost over winter for spring planting. I only have two beds remaining under covers in the small garden - that's salads and arugula, carrots and parsley. Winter is definitely here so hope it will go fast because I'm ready for spring planting :) Until then happy Gardening to Australia/New Zealand and southern states that still warm enough to get winter crops going. See you in spring :)