
Harvest August 4th

It's been somewhat of a good week mostly, until weekend when I noticed that half of my tomato plants are turned yellow and started dying off. That's pretty much does it for this year - might as well toss in the towel and walk away. It's been really bad year all around and it just got that much worse. I doubt that will get even a 100 lbs of tomatoes this year - last year I got just over 425. So far this year the only thing that was good are alliums (onions and garlic) and cucurbits. Garlic total for this year was close to 7 lbs; onions are pretty good size but yet to be totaled.
These onions were pulled today but need time to cure and dry out before I will measure them. There are more in the beds that I didn't get to yet.


  1. So so sorry to hear about your tomatoes. I have a few plants that are a little diseased at the bottom. The weather has been perfect this year for disease.

    It's definitely been the year of the onion!

    1. Robin - I hope yours will recover and you'll get really good harvest this year. I think this year I'm ready to till it all and be done.

  2. Hi Jenny, Sorry that you are having a bad gardening year. You are not alone! At least you are getting a few things to eat. Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, I know many others also having hard time this year :(

  3. I am sorry to hear about your tomatoes Jenny and I sympathize as I'm going through the same thing. My plants are diseased and it's spreading fast. The heartbreak is that they are huge and loaded with tomatoes unlike the previous two years. I'd kill to get anything over 150 pounds! Last year I only got 95 and it's not enough to keep us supplied for the year. It has been a great year for onions though, all around!

    1. I hope you'll be able to save some of your tomatoes as well - even if they're picked green they'll eventually ripen to be used in sauces. It really sad when you see your hard work just wiped out like that.

  4. Beautiful harvest! I am also struggling with disease on my tomato plants. It started last week and continues to spread. It seems like no matter how many precautions I take with my tomato plants, it always ends up happening.

    1. I'm sorry to hear abour your tomatoes as well :(

  5. Sorry about the 'maters. It's always disappointing to lose them. So far I've never gotten a bumper crop. Something about Florida I think. I'll blame it on Florida anyway. I manage most other things pretty well anyway. LOL.

    1. Last year we had a bumper crop but this year definitely not a good year for my garden. Hopefully next year will be better and hope yours will be a good producer as well.

  6. That is a shame about the tomatoes. They do seem to have good years and bad years here too. We have had too much rain this year and they have not liked that. I love your onion crop!

    1. They were doing really nicely until june overload of rain came in - they droped most of the blooms; then came insane heat that made it hot and humid and as result i have wilt all over. At least it's not blight so I can salvage something that has already formed. Onions at least seemed to like all that rain.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, not all of them were super big - red variety are tiny, but I'm happy anyway!

  8. Sorry to hear about your tomatoes. Still, that's a nice assortment you did pick. To me, even a 100 pounds is a lot, you must have planted a lot of plants.

    1. Yes we did plant a lot of plants - over 60 actually. I should have been "swimming" in them and instead we have enough to eat fresh and will do first batch of sauce today.

  9. I too am sorry to learn about your tomatoes. The weather has been wacky all over, my tomato plants are still looking good but still waiting for the slicing toms to show some colors, not a single one yet.

    1. I hope yours will start showing some color soon so you can enjoy good tomato salad!

  10. That is terrible about your tomatoes, weather plays such a large part in how well crops produce. Last year I might have gotten 20 pounds of tomatoes. Your 425 pounds last year sounds awe inspiring! And your onions and garlic look absolutely wonderful!
