
Harvest August 10

This week was the peak for my tomatoes - I think it's the biggest harvest I've had this year and going forward it will start to decline in numbers, as there aren't that many green tomatoes left on the vines.  Though comparing to last year this is nothing. So far the winner of the size this year is German Johnson tomato.
 It came in as 1lb 5 oz in weight. Black Giant and Bull's Heart were just few ounces behind it.  Many varieties struggled with the heat and humidity, many have been cracking. I don't think I'll be planting that many orange or yellow tomatoes as they really don't keep that long.
Here are the breakdowns in weight for this week.
 How's your garden doing this week? Visit Daphne's page and to see others and share your harvest.


  1. You have a nice lot of tomatoes and your potatoes and other things are nice too. A friend just gifted me with some tomatoes and green peppers so we both have work ahead of us! Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy, hope you're enjoying lots of cooking with your tomatoes and peppers!

  2. wow, tomato central! i always say how i want to grow potatoes. must do it next year! do you buy special seed potatoes or just plant what you have from the previous year? would store bought organic potatoes work?

    1. originally I just bought organic from store and planted and then just keep small potatoes through winter (they inevitably start runners by spring) and plant them as soon as snow melted. I do buy some from local garden supply - like my blues and red potatoes, but this year they failed completely. Next year I will try ordering online some seeds to see if they'll do better.

  3. Fantastic harvest. Don't you just love this time of year! We had our biggest harvest of the year too this week!!

  4. So jealous of your tomatoes. I am hoping to harvest, at least one, ripe slicing tomato this week.

  5. Holy tomatoes! I can't even imagine having that many tomatoes already! Amazing! I have noticed that the yellow tomatoes don't keep as long as the reds, but i do love them so and they are always my first tomatoes to mature so i think I have to keep them in the rotation :-)

    1. It's actually not that many this year, given that this is coming from 60 plants. I planted several that were supposed to be 'early" like Subartic but they're still green!

  6. Good looking tomatoes. I still have lots of green ones. You're right about the yellow. Disappointing here too. Went bad very fast. Plants themselves also with problems so I pulled mine out.

    1. I don't have plant-issues, but they do crack and rot much faster than red ones and get too mushy for my taste.

  7. I can only dream of a tomato harvest like yours! Most of mine are green and the plants are diseased. Very nice harvest all around!

    1. Many of my plants are dead now, many have wilt all over and on their way out as well. It's just not a good year for tomatoes.

  8. LOVE all the tomato varieties here. You'd think I'd be swimming in them as warm as it always is here but our extereme humidity and rain keeps them down mid summer. Next round is growing now though. *fingers crossed*

    1. it was too wet for them in june so they didn't grow well, then extreme heat and droped flowers so harvests are small. i see some new ones forming but now it's also dipping to 40s at night. Very odd year.

  9. Wow, great tomato harvest! Since I was gone, several tomatoes out their have gotten quite large and have pulled the plants down. Gonna have to try to prop them back up again. Lots of good stuff you are getting!

  10. Wow, your tomato varieties are stunning.

    I agree about the yellow/orange tomatoes. They always seem to not stand up to that of reds. Even the couple of purples that I've tried (Cherokee and something else) did not meet expectations to make me want to try them again.

    1. Actually purple types are my favorite! Black Brandywine, Paul Robeson, Cherokee Purple, Chocolate stripes, Black Giant - all have been wonderful on taste! CP is prone to cracking if the watering is uneven and if it gets too hot, but the rest are really great!

  11. Beautiful tomato harvest, wish I had a fourth of it. I only have room for 14 plants, so I'm limited. Lots of same problems as you: late start, hot weather blossom drop, lots of BER and cracking. At least the disease situation isn't bad for me this year.

    1. Thanks, it feels like this is coming from 14 plants! I see others pictures of plants loaded with fruit and I get only few a plant. Hope yours improves in harvest!

  12. You have a lovely variety of tomatoes! It's been a tough year for tomatoes here too. I am enjoying every one!

    1. I am definitely enjoying every single one of them!
