
Pretties First week of July

Here are some shots of pretties in the garden - some are edible like okra, cauliflower and eggplant, and some are flowers like roses, lilies, astibe and thyme.
These are in my personal category of "pretty" as I can't wait to harvest them for our meals :)


  1. I really like those day lilies. I had a visit on Tuesday night by deer. Yes, they had dinner here! With all the rain the smelly Liquid Fence had gone so they moved in. I sprayed yesterday and they didn't return overnight. They loved some of my day lilies! Keep yours safe!

    1. I think these either star lilies or Asian type - not sure but love when they bloom. they are huge! And yes, deer do love to eat them as I only have 3 plants out of 10 remaining in bloom.

  2. Hi Jenny, Your rose, day lily, and astilbe are all so pretty! I tried to grow astilbe once but didn't have enough shade. Fresh food from the garden is always pretty!!! Nancy

  3. Beautiful flowers and veggies, everything looks so healthy and lush.
