
Harvest June 9

Today was a very good to spend in the garden - sunny, breezy and not too hot. I picked kale, salads and strawberries. There were many with brown rot spots from too much water but still enough to pick for eating. I separated them into two groups on purpose - one is Tristar in the white container and then second is a lid from container with Cabot. This way the difference in size of two varieties is clearly visible.
Then there were some pickings earlier in a week - fresh garlic scapes and few bulbs, couple of spring onions and more salads.
Overall not a bad week so far. How does your garden grow?


  1. Nice harvests this week! Our strawberries are on now too. The size differential is quite apparent on the strawberries - but how do the flavors compare? Sometimes the smaller more dense berries are actually more sweet and "berry" flavored.

    1. I find them both very sweet and strong aroma of a berry.

  2. Amazing the difference in the strawberry size. Are the small ones sweeter? The rest of your harvest looks quite yummy. So nice to be enjoying things from our gardens! Nancy

    1. No, smaller strawberries are not sweeter than large. They are more dense though.

  3. Nice strawberries! What varieties are you growing?
