
Harvest June 16

Today's harvest included salads, strawberries, arugula, garlic, swiss chard, kale and whole lot of rhubarb. With overload of rain storms in the past two weeks I was forced to pick a lot more garlic than I needed - but had no choice as the roots started to rot and stalks turned yellow.
Earlier in the week I also picked first fingerlings and the last of the cherries from our trees.
 Can't really say I like fingerlings, but my hubby likes them so I grow them for him. I personally look forward to more blue potatoes and Yukon Golds.
Cherries were so good that I'm looking forward to next year with anticipation of really good harvest.


  1. Such a variety of things you got out of your garden last week. Bet you're enjoying it all.

    1. Thank you, I made a dinner with potatoes, peas, onions and garlic and greens and it was so good! I can't wait to see my garden in full swing.

  2. Cherries, and garlic, and taters- Oh my! The dinner you made sounds wonderful, and the harvest looks fantastic. I love all the plastic clam shells. How well does your produce keep that way?

    1. I buy fresh-baked treats for my husband and keep the shells for produce. for salads and greens, I line them with paper towel, wash greens and place them while still wet into the containers and store in fridge. That way water does not dry out too fast and they keep fresh and crisp for a full week if needed.

  3. my garlic leaves are turning yellow too. I'll have to check them tonight. Do you still cure them or do you have to eat them right away?

    1. Pull one out to see if the roots are strong or turned brittle yellow. If they're strong then they're just starting to "ripen" and can be pulled and cured for winter. If they're rotting away then you have to use them right away. you'll feel the difference right away when you see rotted root. I have quite a few left in the bed that are ok so I'll wait two more weeks to pull and cure.

  4. Hi Jenny, You gotta do what you gotta do when a storm is coming. You still got a nice variety of veggies. I have a few cherrys on my little cherry tree but they are not ripe yet. The birds may get them as I don't have them covered. Will have to look for a bird net for that! Homegrown potatoes make my mouth water!! Nancy

    1. I hope you'll get a chance to try your own cherries too!

  5. Beautiful harvest! I do love the blue potatoes too! I planted a couple of fingerlings, but have not found any yet. Hmmm. And you have so many yummy looking strawberries. I can't wait to get mine producing more, this has actually been the best year yet for mine.

    1. I planted my fingerlings on March 15 and they're only now going into bloom and forming potatoes so if you planted later it will be a bit longer. Good luck with your strawberries!

  6. Nice variety of harvest. We are having an overload of rain also. I peel, cook and freeze my extra garlic for later use in cooking or spread on toast.

    1. So far we've been using it in many dishes but I think I'll make some roasted garlic and freeze it for later. thanks for the advice!

  7. Great harvest. I'm jealous of the strawberries, they look great! We had to replant our beds this year so no strawberries for us until fall!

    1. I hope your fall harvest is better than my June!

  8. Such bounty!!! I do love blue potatoes, too! i am hopeful ours will do well this year :-) Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. What a great variety of goodies! That's some good looking rhubarb too.
