
Harvest May 19

Garden is doing so-so these days, some are growing nicely like greens and onions, but some are not so much. Peas are definitely lagging behind, beans and asian greens were ravaged by bugs and carrots are non-existent this year, with only a handful growing instead of a full bed. But we do have enough greens and such for meals - mizuna, arugula, salads, spring onions, kale and radishes.

This weekend I planted more cucumbers, squashes and melons to replace what frost killed last Monday. Also got red and green okra transplanted to the unprotected side. It's been wet and cool weekend but the rest of the week supposed to be in 80 so I hope that all peppers and tomatoes that were planted will finally pick up in growth.


  1. Your greens, spring onions and radishes look good. What weather. Hoping we don't get hail or a tornado tomorrow night when the storms come. It is in the high 80's in the back yard and seems too hot for the tomato plants. I have just planted two cherry ones out so far and have been covering the cages with newspapers for part of the day. Sorry you got the frost. At least we were lucky not to get that! The woes of gardening. If only we could have perfect weather!!! Nancy

    1. Two years in a row weather throws us for a loop! We skiped spring last year and went from winter to summer but this year it's a rollercoaster. Really wish it would stay 70-77 for few weeks! Good luck with the storms and hope it won't do too much damage.

  2. Sorry you have a few crops that are not cooperating. It happens to me every year. A good year is when the failures are kept to a minimum - but they always do occur. This year my main crop failure (so far) has been the spring planted spinach. The birds have been eating them and a lot of my young snap peas. Frustrating.

    1. I hope that this is it for this year and no more failures with anything else. I re-seeded more carrots last night and few more beans. I also cave in and used D-Earth to sprinkle around plants to kill slugs so hope it will work. Thankfully there are no bees colonies near me so it won't damage them.

  3. I love the overflowing greens! spring onions are really beautiful! Very nice harvest. Looks absolutely healthy and delicious!

    1. Thank you, I love fresh tasty greens in spring.

  4. That all looks so lovely.

    (I'm in awe of you folks who weigh all your harvests. I'm far too disorganized for that sort of thing.)

    1. Thank you, I don't like to measure every bit, but it gives me good idea at the end of the year on what I should plant more and what less.

  5. Your radishes look absolutely perfect!

  6. Hopefully you will get no more frosts now. Your harvest looks lovely!
