
First May weekend in the garden

It's been another busy weekend in the garden, really wish I had more time to play outside during the week to catch up on all the weeding - so far weeds grow much faster than anything else. So far greens are very slow in growing, and peas are really having hard time growing  - they're only about 4" tall so not sure if we'll have many peas for snacking and definitely won't be as good as last year.
But at the same time I picked few more asparagus shoots, couple of young onions for crabcakes, and some radishes and few leaves of salad for lunch today.
Have to say lunch turned out very yummy!
And of course more planting has been done - beans were planted, both pole and bush varieties: Brittle Wax, Roc D'or, Purple Queen, Velour, Fortex, Asparagus bean, Red Noodle, French Gold, Lima and Soy beans. I'm yet to plant green beans in the small garden - Blue Lake and Tenderbush.

Then I did 4 rows of corn that my hubby likes - it will be sharing space with squashes and watermelon, which were also seeded but I'm thinking it was too early. We'll see if they grow well or not.  I planted 3 varieties of watermelon - Sugar Baby, Black Diamond and Million Bucks and 2 cantaloupe varieties.

On opposite site of the same bed I planted zucchini, yellow squash and cucumbers - Diva, pickler and marketmore. On another bed another set of cucumbers - spacemaster, endeavor, green fingers and straight eight.

I also went to the local farm and raided their nursery - added few more peppers to the ones I already had growing as they're not growing as fast as they should - so I picked up habanero and banana peppers. And I was surprised how little their selection of tomatoes was this year and how tiny they are -  mine are about a foot tall and ready to go into the ground now! But it's still too chilly for them so I'll wait at least another week to transplant.  I also got few packets of "flower mix" and sprinkled them all over the back of the garden and at the side of the house where so far we haven't been able to grow anything - if they take and bloom then great, and if not - no big loss.

And I also went to the community garden today and got my plot assigned. I was hesitant if I'd sign up to it again given busy schedule and all, but it really feels good when I know someone else can enjoy fresh organic veggies. So I'll plant zucchinis and tomatoes and some peppers there. It's all good.


  1. You seem to be accomplishing a lot. I still haven't gotten everything deadheaded or weeded from the winter and last year! Now I am on vacation when I should be out there! Everything looks yummy! (Except I don't know if I would like crab cakes!) Nancy

    1. Thanks, it's hard to get everything done only in two days but not much time left during the weekend. Good luck on catching up on your garden!
