
Ready to plant potatoes?

I think nature is giving me a reminder that it's time to plant potatoes - at least on the calendar schedule. It's just too bad that today was snowing again and tonight dipping to 22 degrees. And more cold on the way until next weekend. Then I'll be able to plant these beauties.
There are only few bulbs for purple variety, because we'll keep them only to eat fresh - they really don't store well at all.  My Fingerlings, Red Bliss, Yukon and Kenebeck are also waiting to be planted. One more week.


  1. When I first looked I was envious! But then I see it is too cold there besides here to plant! Nancy

    1. We are definitely behind the schedule this year and Mother Nature is not cooperating. Eventhough groundhog predicted early spring it's definitely not the case here. Last year this time around I had greens ouside, daffodils blooming and potatoes planted on St. Patty day. Not this year.

  2. You have quite an credible list to plant this year. Do you always do so many varieties?

    I did get peas, carrots, spinach, lettuce and bok choy planted earlier this week but now it's cold again.

    1. I like trying new varieties so I plant 1-2 plants to try them, but there are always some that don't grow well so if i get 2/3rds going I'll be happy. Eventually I'll have a list of "favorites" that I'll be using going forward.

  3. I too have some potatoes that are screaming "PLANT ME!" However, there is still snow on the ground and I don't think they will make it until planting time.

    1. One thing that I did with my fingerlings - I placed them into the large disposable roasting pan and covered them with soil so they'll slowly grow inside until it warms up outside and then I'll just transplant afterwards. And I will do the same with purples today since I really forgot about them and they were "growing" in my cabinet instead.

  4. When I first looked at your picture, I thought it was a bowl of spiders. Wow! Hope you can plant soon

    1. These will be planted next friday so they'll be happily growing soon.

  5. Replies
    1. I'll burry almost all of the sprouted areas with just tips above the ground and they'll start growing tubers!
