Here's to everyone else and hope your day also brightens up.
Simple garden techniques described in details so anyone can easily follow through on their end while sharing ideas and pictures on how the garden is progressing through out the year.
Lovely flowers
Flowers always make me feel better, no matter what's happening around us and my hubby knows it all too well. Of course being in midle of winter, nothing outside is blooming and it will be long before first snowdrops or Lilies of the Valley, tulips, hyacinths or roses will bloom. So today he brought me gorgeous roses - a day early for Valentines Day. And yes, the day is brighter already.
Snow and Seedlings
No garden updates for a while as everything is deep covered in snow. It was not as bad as some other areas but a good foot was added to the previous snow layer so have to wait for nice sunshine to melt it all down.
So in the meanwhile we're staying home, keeping warm with hot chocolate, making fresh bread and hearty stews.
So in the meanwhile we're staying home, keeping warm with hot chocolate, making fresh bread and hearty stews.
I've been using a lot of our frozen veggies in cooking - green and yellow beans are wonderful, bell peppers are not holding up as well for stirfry and I'm definitely not freezing broccoli again.
And speaking of broccoli - first set of seedling trays have been set. In addition to the broccoli, I have few varieties of salads, bok choy, spinach, onions, arugula. I'll be adding a tray every week to keep rotation going. I've also ordered more onion and leek plants that should arrive in March. And hopefully once the snow melts I can get my main garden tilled and seeded. Once the temperatures goes above 32 we'll restart our hydroponics - they were frozen solid when Mother Nature sent us plummeting down to 4 degrees at the end of January. Definitely catching spring fever now.