
First harvest for 2013

Well 2013 is here and that means planning for the season is here also. Today I went through my seed inventory and made a list of what I need to add. This year will be slightly different than last - we'll focus on planting as many things that my hubby really likes to eat like tomatoes, potatoes, beans, peas, carrots (a LOT more!) and such to keep it producing for our dinner table instead of trying too many new varieties. I will have less greens like kale because he doesn't like them, but will add more spinach. We will also install drip-system to keep things watered properly - my winter garden was suffering this year because we didn't have it in place and I wasn't around to keep it really going as it should have been. But at any rate it still produces as you can see from picked carrots and couple of radishes for our meal tonight. And our hydroponics are still going strong - giving me greens for stirfry.
So let's hope this year is going to be very productive and nature will cooperate.