
More mushrooms for winter

On my way from work found another large Maitake - Grifola Frondosa - in it's prime, and less than 1/2 mile from house - a tree covered in young chicken mushrooms - sulphur shelf or Laetiporus sulphureus . I only picked a bag full because I didn't have other bags or baskets with me - but this is more than enough for us for winter now!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, I love picking free meals in the forest :)

  2. I'm glad you know what you're picking. I hate to think that you got the wrong kind by mistake. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you, I'm definitely going to enjoy them. Considering that I've been picking them for over 35 years I can honestly say that I know what I'm doing :)

  3. Wish I knew enough about mushrooms to feel comfortable about picking wild ones. Some day I may try growing some on logs. See you are in Sussex, NJ. I am in Wilmington, DE, Zone 7A. It is now time to seriously start up the cold frames. Please stop over to my blog to check out cold frames that could really help you in NJ.

    1. Hello George and welcome to my blog! you can check your local area if there is a mychological association near by that you can join them for foray - like we have one in NJMA.

      I looked at your blog and loved it! Your beds look wonderful and that halopeno peppers are amazing. We have couple of cold frames that will go up this weekend in addition to the hoophouse.
