
Harvest Oct 21

No pictures today because I didn't get to the store to get fresh batteries for camera, but we did pick kale and swiss chard this week. It came out just under the pound total.

Not much going on in the garden - everything I planted for fall is growing VERY slow so not even sure if we'll have anything to pick before snow. I will set up additional hoophouse over two beds in the old garden and one more small over L shape in the new garden. Just need to get over the willies that been keeping me in bed lately and get some energy to get something done before winter.


  1. Maybe you just need more sunshine! Has been raining here lately and dreary. Will be glad to see the sunshine again! I didn't grow much kale and swiss chard this year so that is nice that you got some to harvest. I haven't learned to like it very well yet! Nancy

    1. You are right about sunshine - with the short days and sun being generaly lower garden always in shade so it's not doing too well.

      Have you tried Kale Chips? I rough chop kale at about 2" width, coat it with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle some sea salt and bake in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. very tasty, crisp and light snack.

  2. Our stuff is growing very slowly too. We have a couple of small beds of lettuce that I'm wondering about. What will you put in under the hoop houses?

    1. I have beds with winter planting of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cabbages and garlic, so I'll put hoophouse over these beds.
