
Hard frost and harvest

Friday night we got hit with heavy frost - it got down to 27 degrees and put an end to my happy days in the garden for this year. All beds that had uncovered peppers, beans, basil, eggplants are all dead. So I pulled out dead plants and harvested what was big enough - will make some kind of a dinner out of it. I didn't bother separating carrots, beans and radishes so weighted them all together and will add total to carrots. I also picked last of the radishes, few carrots that will be added to the meal, and whole lot more parsley. It's already been cleaned and put into a dehydrator.
So now we have some winter stuff still hanging around under plastic hoophouse. Let's see how the experiment will work. Plus I have greens growing in the hydroponic garden inside so that will provide me with salads for winter time.


  1. Wow, 27 degrees already. You had a good run in 2012. We aren't close to freezing down here yet, but I am sure it will be here before I know it.

    1. It came earlier than last year but later than a year before so I can't complain. I just wish I was home to cover everything but that didn't happen. Oh well, hope your year will keep on going further.

  2. You still harvested some veggies this past week. I only got a few. Lucky you to have a hoophouse and hydroponic garden! I have a small old coldframe I will try to keep some lettuce and spinach going for salads! Can't wait for next spring! Nancy

    1. The hoophouse was just build - i'm yet to put pictures of it, so it will be first year to try it out. I hope to have longer season with kale, chard, carrots, peppers and some greens.

  3. You still had a good harvest. We were down in the 20's too. I have not gotten around to pulling out the dead plants, need to get that done this week.

    1. Ugh, that's the most depressing part of the gardening - pulling out dead plants. I hate to destroy any plants but it makes me very sad when the nature does it for me :(

  4. Wow, a hydroponic garden too! I'm impressed! Nice harvest, despite the freeze and what a good bunch of parsley you got! Mine was very thin this year.

    1. Thank you, we had an abundance of parsley mainly because I let the seeds from last year go into the bed and it all sprouted last fall, overwintered and grew like crazy all summer taking over the bed!

  5. We had frost here too so so my daughter tells me. We weren't home. I see the basil is kaput and so are the cucumbers. Time to dream of next spring's garden.

    1. I'm sorry you lost basil and cucumbers but hope winter goes by fast and you'll be ready for next year spring garden!

  6. A hard freeze can be rather depressing. It not only stops the garden in it's tracks - but it leaves you with a mess to clean up too. We won't see a freeze for quite a while yet, but it will eventually come here too.

    1. It is definitely depresing, and I wish we had a mild winter like your area with plenty of rain to keep things growing. Your harvest was fabulous!

  7. Looks like a great end of summer harvest. We have had some frost too, but somehow some tomatoes have survived so far. Leaving what is left as long as they will last!

    1. hope your tomatoes will keep growing and you'll be able to harvest few more!

  8. Looks like you got a nice harvest. Will be a bit before I have a hard frost and if I can get things covered up there will be more afterwards.

    1. You're lucky to have extended time to plant things. Hope you'll have bountiful harvests!
