
Fall garden update

Today is another cold and wet day so I spent couple of minutes sniping just enough to eat for dinner. Unfortunately I forgot to weight it all so one picture instead.
While I was there I also took some shots on what is still alive and keeps growing as fall and winter.
Some greens like swiss chard and kale, lonely pea that survived the bunny attack; and a lot of brussels sprouts that are just now sizing up.
And just starting to grow are salads and winter carrots - these were seeded all over the garden.


  1. Nice crop! I wish we had growing time in winter too.

    1. Normally I don't plant for winter, but this year I'm using plastic shielding - hoophouse - to keep growing season longer. Don't know if it will really work since we tend to get down to single digits in winter but I'll give it a try.

  2. Beautiful eggplant you grow. You still have plenty to harvest and hope the garden continue to give even after you enter winter.
