
Squirreling away for winter

It's been canning time here and I've tried to preserve as much as I can stash in my freezer and in to the pantry. Here are some of the salsa jars and couple of strawberry jams.
More canned goodies stashed away for winter - there are various jams, meat sauce and fruit butters.
And two cases of tomato sauce with 12 jars each also on the bottom of the pantry.
Feeling a little bit better before winter time, as we'll have something ready for use and still have couple of month where I can add more to the pantry. Visit Robin for Thursday's Kitchen Cupboard, to see who else has been preparing and cooking their garden bounty.


  1. That's always such a good feeling to preserve, isn't it? Though I don't can, I do freeze a lot and watching that freezer fill up with goodies gives me such satisfaction.

    1. I love having full pantry, and most of these jams can last a very long time so storage is not an issue. Plus I have plenty of choices for Christmas baskets.

  2. A full pantry definitely gives some real comfort. I have not even begun any canning yet other than a batch of raspberry jam. That usually is my end of August all of September employment. Been freezing things for quite a while now though and the freezer is starting to get very full. Need to do some rearranging in there.

    1. Oh I'll be doing more through the next few weeks as well and my freezer is stuffed to the top with green beans, carrots, squash and other semi-cooked veggies.

  3. Everything is sure looking good and going into winter with a full pantry and freezer is so great.

    1. Thank you, with the ever-rising prices these days I think it's definitely helpful to have as much stored for winter as possible so when garden is not producing at that time I still have variety to add to the dishes.

  4. I am drooling over your tomatoes! I have jams and peaches canned so far for the season, but I better get going with the tomato products soon. (not my own tomatoes unfortunately, but seconds from the local farms are still way better and cheaper than store bought) Do you use the salsa recipe from the Blue Ball canning book?

    1. Thank you, I'm definitely enjoying my tomatoes for now while they last. I don't have Ball Blue book so I'm using my own mixtures - tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, onions, lime juice and cilantro. Salt and pepper to taste and just adjust as you need more or less (like heat). Cook for about 10 min on medium heat and then can it.

  5. So that's where all those tomatoes ended up. Looks like you're set for a cold winter.

    1. Some of them have been cooked. Some were given away. Some still need to be processed. And yes, I think it will be very early, very cold and very long and hard winter with many snow storms so I'm preparing for it. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

  6. It looks like you have made great progress on squirreling it away! It's definitely good 'food insurance'.

  7. Wow, your stores are really adding up!! Yippee for canning!

    1. Canning is definitely a good way for me to preserve things because it really lasts a long time (like jams). But I'm also dehydrating and freezing alot of veggies at the same time.

  8. You inspire me to get going here! You are doing a great job! Nancy

    1. Thank you and can't wait to see what you'll do with yours :)
