
Late Blight and around the garden

First it starts with plants turning yellow leafs even though there's plenty of water been given to the garden. Within couple of days it turns full brown and the plant is essentially dead..
There are still some tomatoes on some of the plants like these San Marzano's, but for all intents and purposes the tomato season here is pretty much over. Only a handful of plants were not affected but they also don't have much fruit left on them. Let's hope next year will be better.
All that's left to do is major clean up  this weekend. I'll pull those plants that have no tomatoes left, add compost to the beds and plant more fall garden veggies. But it's not all bad, some parts of the garden still in pretty good shape.


  1. Seems strange to have tomatoes done so soon. Mine usually last longer and I get a few but they are terrible this year now. Looks like you have a lot of other nice things tho. Nancy

    1. normally they'd be fully green until first frost. They literally turned brown in a matter of couple of days.

  2. I have late blight here too... I left for a week long vacation and came home to dying plants. Oh well. The rest of your garden is looking great.

    1. Sad :( I was hoping your area would avoid it but looks like most areas around here on farms have it. It's all that humidity that's makes them so easy to get sick.

    2. I still have some green leaves on the front row of plants. I'm going to carefully cut off the dead leaves and put them in a garbage bag tomorrow. Then I will spray the plants with copper fungicide. It's worth a try. Did you lose all of your plants?

    3. Some San Marzano's are still hanging, couple of cherry tomatoes still there and a handful of others are semi-alive. Not sure how long.

  3. What a shame about the tomatoes. I still haven't had a ripe one yet. With several nights dipping into the 30's , I'm running out of time.

    Love the cabbages-so "frilly".
    Happy Gardening!

    1. I hope you'll get your tomatoes ripe in time. The frilly cabbages are Savoy variety - very tasty.

  4. Most of my tomatoes are looking like that too. Cucumbers have just about had it as well.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that your tomatoes and cucumbers also got sick. My cucumbers that were planted early in summer are all dead, but the ones I planted in July are not sick and just starting to produce.
