
Harvest aug 25

Another week's worth of harvest - some left over tomatoes, with sauce and cherry variety still going strong in quantity while most of my large varieties have died off completely; zucchini peppers, some left over onions, couple of cabbages, green beans, baby beets and carrots that were pulled to clear the bed for the fall planting, and one tiny cantaloupe that was very fragrant and very tasty so I can't wait to see how other larger once turn out.


  1. Your garden is just pouring it on. I would be thrilled to get your "slowed down" tomato haul from my cool maritime region garden. Your light tomato harvests are our dream "heavy" production. Just don't get heat in my growing region to grow tomatoes well. Makes me envious of those of you who do.

    1. It really is slowing down. Those were my last large tomato pickings. The remaining are cherry and paste varieties. But your region has advantage on greens, onion and carrots - something I eat on daily basis but have hard time growing.

  2. O....M....G.... I think that table full of tomatoes might just make me faint. Or drool. :-P YUMMM!

    1. Those are the last of my large tomatoes for this year. Let's hope next year will be just as bountiful.

  3. wow what a great harvest; love all those different kinds of tomatoes!

    1. I like trying new varieties but there are some that definitely won't be planted again, like those bright yellow ones - they have no taste.

  4. An other great harvest. Everything is looking great! Enjoy that cantaloupe. Ours started ripening this week too and we all have dripping chins from eating so many melons!!

    1. Thank you, that cantaloupe was very tasty. I just wish it was larger. I saw your pictures and they are fabulous! Next year I'll make sure they're on full sun and have enough water to grow when they're young.

  5. I am SO jealous of all of your tomatoes! We are getting some, but nothing like your haul.

    1. Thank you, but that's not really a "haul" like I've been getting in the past of 50+lbs at once. I hope next year will be better.

  6. Great harvests. I like the way you took the pictures. Your garden is producing very well. I hope you get lots more melons. Isn't it about time for them to come in strong?!

    1. I actually don't have many melons. There are 4 or 5 that are pretty good size, but the rest of them are tiny just a little bit bigger than baseball. I hope they'll keep growing.

  7. Too bad about the large tomatoes. Ours are taking a break, but do have green tomatoes. You have a nice mix of veggies there!

    1. I have couple of plants that are not affected somehow and they have small tomatoes on them so i hope to have some for salad each week.

  8. Mind Boggling. :) Over 700lbs for the year. Grinning on your behalf.

    1. Thank you, it's alot more than I targeted originally - 500lbs was my hope. And I'm hoping for some more greens from fall garden, from winter squashes and remaining potatoes.

  9. Lookin good! I only have one tomatoe plant that has totally given up and that is the grape tomatoe. The others are blooming and some of set tomatoes again. It's been such a weird year for my garden.

    1. Sorry to hear about your grape tomato Lisa, my chery tomatoes are very strong, and interestingly the remaining large tomatoes have small fruit set as well. I don't know if they'll grow but hope they do. And you're right, it's been a weird year.

  10. That is a good haul by any measure! I thought I was quite ambitious growing 9 different varieties of tomato, but you have a LOT more than that. We have had bad blight over here too, so there have been some casualties.

    1. I planted 25 varieties, though some never produced any tomatoes at all.

  11. What beautiful tomatoes! Looks like you got a great variety of vegetables this week!

  12. What a wonderful harvest! I don't know how you keep up to it all. Looks like you are doing a great job! Nancy

    1. It's not easy to keep up with it but i'm still trying :)
